Christian McCaffrey Gives the 49ers a Lead! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

McCaffrey was holding down triangle the whole time

    Garrett Lambert

    Facts man




    Possession catch

    Nektarios Terrell

    @Eureka nah bruh only people who like lack luster consoles hold down Y


Niners having a field day with CMac

Debi Harper

He is totally in sync with Garoppolo!!!

    Zombieland aka USA

    the toss wasn’t that great, the catch was though


    @Zombieland aka USA I think it was good cause he got it wear no defenders can intercept it


    @Zombieland aka USA how was that not a good pass 😂

    trevor ward

    @Zombieland aka USA that was the only place it could be placed for it to be caught. It was a prefect pass


    @MistaTofMaine The pass was a bit high but CMC managed to high-point it with his great athleticism. Reminded me of Dwight Clark’s “The Catch” from 1981. They should call this “The Catch II” because it was a great catch by CMC and CMC was a “great catch” for the Niners.


Damn! There’s hella Niners fans in that stadium 😮


    We travel ..😂 in state games 😂😂

    Josh Chan

    there’s a reason why its called levi’s south

    So Inspirational

    Nah bro the 49er have fans worldwide because of their great history, the game against the Panthers last month where Niner fans took over half them fans were from North Carolina and the East Coast

    Tony Tom

    Socal will always be niners country

    Deplorable Trumplican


bruce lau

An absolute difference maker he will make for the 49ers

    Vishal Duggal

    Just imagine after the bye having both Deebo and McCaffrey.




    If Rams had acquired CMC, Niners probably lose today’s game and not make the playoffs. With CMC, Niners can go all the way.


    the guy played in three positions today, and scored in all three of them. how many times have we seen that.

    Tiffany S

    @BA94TCNE lol, it’s that he is an equal receiver/elusive back. Better than most. He has more attributes to him

Alita Manning

Worth those picks for sure.

lamar lamar

This is why we got him!!!

    Darlene Edgar

    Exactly 💯 let’s go baby ninergang bang bang can’t wait for deebo Samuel to return from hamstring injury

Souless Shadow

Passing TD, Running TD, and now Recieving td lol. Mans really got the trifecta, and all he needs now is to go out on defense and get a pick 6 lmfao.

Edward Franco

Way to go 49ers!!! Stay on that path I faith for my 49ers!!!

Sonia Azas

Ya era hora 😁,al fin despertaron los Niners 🤗


Great catch & great throw earlier

Zombieland aka USA

If CMC gets back to form, he’s the best offensive player in the league

Steven Koehler

I knew this guy was gonna be a major producer for us


Finally a player who can scramble drill and help hi QB out!!! Man did he and Jimmy have a day today

    Darlene Edgar

    Absolutely beautiful 😍 ninergang bang bang

Joshua Bradshaw

Niners gave us heart attacks before figuring things out, but I’m happy they won.

PHN 3054

The Announcer was Correct, Most Running Backs in the NFL would have had to reach with One Hand to Catch that High Pass.


Great pass great catch

Saul Paul

Imagine having CMC and Deebo on the field!!!!!



Rita 25 y.o - check my vidéó

Finally a player who can scramble drill and help hi QB out!!! Man did he and Jimmy have a day today

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