Christian Kirk: “Somethings got to give.” | Postgame Press Conference | Week 7 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Defense gives it upin the 4 every game smh

Aaron Hovey

great question mia πŸ€¦β€β™‚πŸ€¦β€β™‚

Patrick Gunsaullus

The Jags Always Finds New Ways To Crap Themselves Every Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!

Fat Jons eating adventures

Stop taking game breaking penalties and call good defense so we don’t losd

Harold Pineapple

1) We wouldn’t be competing this hard without Doug’s coaching.
2) Doug, kick the darn field goal
P.S anyone could see that QB sneak a mile away. I believe a toss would have worked better or play action short pass or scramble.

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