Chris Tabor talks staying aggressive on kick returns | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dev Kulkarni


    Christian Peters

    No u

xbox360games 773

Our mindset needs to be We need to be able to capitalize on every single kick return and score every single Drive im tired of bs 1 minute 4 and outs .. we can be a good offense we don’t need to be great but good . And when we don’t score on drives our defense gets it right back .. this is a recipe to beat great teams and go far 🐻 ⬇️⬇️

    Trevor Gross

    I agree but the MOST annoying thing is when they get down field and do nothing making them settle for a field goal.

    xbox360games 773

    @Trevor Gross exactly bruh exactly but it’s seems like nick is minimizing that some what from when Mitch was playing

Supertaco Dood

Da bears

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