Chiefs vs. Raiders Week 5 Recap | Chiefs Rewind – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Addison Franklin


    CooledRaptor279 lol


G-Rett 4 54

Do yall even WANT to run it back?

    Frank Furlacker

    @Derek Mathews I was getting pissed at the Chiefs fans who kept being negative these last couple years during the Mahomes era but they were right nothing good comes from this team.

    Frank Furlacker

    @Derek Mathews He’s not going to be allowed to win here so he will leave.

    Derek Mathews

    N.J. State øf Mind, I don’t do that Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda bullshit like you do. . The only person who is using those wards are you you, I don’t do that. Cause in the NFL I have a different philosophy, it’s called you either get the job done or you don’t. Nothing inbetween. The Chiefs defense didn’t get the job done yesterday, the Raiders offense did. The Raiders had a great game plan and the Chiefs didn’t. You happy now? I questioned two calls the whole game and that’s it. And by the way, that’s another word I hate, barely. You lost because your stupid backup quarterbacks threw 3 interceptions and lost a fumble. And got sacked four times. One time when they were in the red zone.

    Derek Mathews

    Frank Furlacker; oh really you want to be like those negative fans, then get the stepping then and go be a Jets fan and see how you like that? Or a Giants fan? So winning the Super Bowl wasn’t a good moment, going back to back AFC Championship games is good, winning 4 playoff games is good too. Winning 13 straight game wasn’t good? This is the first loss in 336 days. You must like those dark times when we were 2-14 or 4-12 and we had all those losing seasons. Maybe you secretly are a Broncos fan and you want the Chiefs to lose every game. Like wow 😂😂😂😂.

Malcom X

On to the next ☝️

Ivy Moon

You guys fought hard!! Will always be a Chief’s fan!!


The need this loss. They’re not use to losing this will light a fire 🔥 in them

    Steven Goodpaster


    Derek Mathews

    Steven Goodpaster, I agree.

    D V

    Hope u lose again. U will fall because Belechick unlocked how to beat u

    Derek Mathews

    D V, shut the hell up! Belichick didn’t unlock nothing.


    Agreed, especially since it’s the Raiders. Can’t learn and grow unless you fail.

Willie Rios

2:44 Beautiful 💋💋love u💋💋

Theo Lee

Yea. They did i dont like to see them loose none but they needed this it will make them. More leathal down the road. Roll chiefs🏹🏹🏹🏈🏈🏈😁😁😁😁👀👈👀 congrat. Radiers

Sophie Cunningham

Woow woow 😍💋 💝💖❤️

Gertrude Lamb

Love you 💋💋😘😘❤️💯

Vic Magnificent

We loose to the Raiders then Dak Prescott breaks his ankle. SMH


    injured foot

Captain Dingleberry

This W means more to the Raiders than the L did to the Chiefs. Kept thinking we would make a comeback and next thing you know..the games over and I was like…meh.


This is where u will fall, can’t wait


Love it

Dre 303

“They picked their best spots(Ward)” – Badger

Norma winton

What was osemele injury, knowone has said? Its just one loss my god people! Next time Honey badger!

Norma winton

Too many injuries is killing us. And we need doc back!


that dropped pass by imposter nick keizer on third down really hurt. if you’re not going to catch the ball, then go to ups and work there. thank u.


    So we’re judging his entire career on one dropped catch? If you make those statements all the time, a job in retail is the one for you. thank u.

Don Hay

I think our offense line needs some help.
Maybe a lot of help.

Legendary Quarterback

The best football team loses and learns and goes 15-1 wins the SB

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