Chicago Bears vs. New Orleans Saints Game Preview (Week 8) – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Chicago Bears vs. New Orleans Saints Game Preview (Week 8)

Chicago Bears analysts Jeff Joniak and Tom Thayer preview the Bears' upcoming Week 8 matchup with Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints.

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Zachary Flesch

Lets get this dub boys!🐻⬇️

    Ethan Lusk

    That’s funny no really u had me there for a second

Brandan Morris

I’m ready for more pain 28-14 Saints.

I still love this team 🧡💙

    Ole Cornjerker86

    Easy now….. I am just as disapointed as every Bear Fan is. Believe me. Things got broken Monday evening at my house!!! lol. But we need 5 more wins to be in the hunt for WC and we beat the Bucs who we will be fighting against for one of those spots. We play Minnesota twice, Detroit again, Jags, and Texans. Packers are playing good football obviously but we elevate our game when we play them so maybe we steal on of those games. I am not ready to throw in the towel yet. Bear Down!

Charlie Rojewski

Hoping Nagy is using is brain sunday!

    MavTheWolf / SPCMonee2004

    Probably not knowing him

    Frank Serrano

    Probably won’t use his brain to handoff the play calling to the OC


    He won’t his ego is bigger than anyone else on this football team. That’s why he won’t give up play calling. Dude is a bust always gets bailed out by our top 5 defense.


How bout Matt Nagy just doesn’t run sweeps with Patterson on third and fourth down? That’s how we win right there

    MavTheWolf / SPCMonee2004

    Like Nagy is smart enough to know that?


    @MavTheWolf / SPCMonee2004 he’s not even close
    Me-a 13 year old- might be able to do better


    so exciting, especially his 3 or 4 yard pass plays.

    Rat Lives Matter

    @MavTheWolf / SPCMonee2004 no hes not! hes a horrible coach who doesn’t learn from his mistake

    MavTheWolf / SPCMonee2004

    @Rat Lives Matter yea that’s what I was implying


3 points.. the bears scored 3 points on offense VS the Rams.
Pace gets the players, Nagy coaches them! They started off 5-1, if they keep loosing games it’s not on the players

It’s on Nagy, it’s on Ryan Pace, it’s on George McCaskey. Period. F’ing fix this team or tare it down and start over. 12-4, 8-8. Were gonna find out which year was the true Bears team.


    @Eddie Jackson 9-7 🤷🏻‍♂️ I just can’t see them going 12-4

    Patrick O'Donnell

    In a league now where rules cater to production for qb’s and offense. For a supposedly “offensive guru” coach to only be able to score 3 pts on offense in with that reality, well I would be embarrassed and feel a little stupid if I were Nagy, but something in this guy is so damn arrogant and stubborn and I just really want to see him gone now. Make Bill Lazor the head coach.

    Holy Samurai Jerusalem

    @blackeye5370 _ I can actually see them not losing another regular-season game it’s all about game planning and focus. Of course you need a call hear or there to go your way, and playing with discipline_ believe it or not this team’s head coach is Chuck Pagano. that’s just the truth of the matter all the money and draft capital is on that side of the ball._ His play calling has to be more aggressive bring more pressure on the opposing team’s quarterback,_ and the defensive line needs to do more stunts._ _ special teams has to play better as well, but until Matt and Nick get on the same page this defense will have to continue to carry this team..


    @blackeye5370 tbh if the offense keeps playing like this are ceiling is only 10-6

    Ethan Terzic

    With nick 9-7 with mitch 11-5. I disapprove of the narrative that mitchell cant read the field. Any qb capable of putting up 300+ yards and 3+td games multiple times would have a grasp of reading defense. While nick reads the field better, the margin isnt as wide as we thought watching the last 4 games. Mitch brings more to the table and if played in the right system like josh allen in buffalou or goff in LA or tannehill in Tennessee then we can easily repeat what we did that 2018 season.

Ricardo Godina

We need offensive tackles

    Toney Freeman

    Instead of BookEnd Tackles we got Flimsy Magazines pretending to be Books! Horrible technique and effort!

Toney Freeman

The Bears Lack of a cohesive O-Line Plus Foles lack of mobility is allowing Teams to make US 1 or Non dimensional!! Maybe using Mitch like T.Hill a few times per half might add a spark. 🤔

    Adam Ahmed

    I thought u meant Tyreek Hill and I was very confused.

    Toney Freeman

    @Adam Ahmed 😂😂No! #7

Jimby Sisto

Patterson is an incredible return man.
That doesn’t make him a WR2, or a RB2.

    Tre Miller




    Dhimiter Kristo

    Why you think Cohen was a good RB2???

    Benjamin Zorn

    @Dhimiter Kristo He wasn’t bad

    nationalize chevron

    he needs touches on offense but not on 3rd & short

Yevgenia Baratov

Saints are going to win. GB will win and Nagy will still be looking for the why. SMH. Who dat…oh it’s #52 Bears 31 saints 9

Patrick O'Donnell

Just have 5 WO’s and 4 TE’s and a long snapper and Foles out there on offense. Is that legal?😁 Just eliminate the O line altogether since they aren’t doing anything.

Chris Hansen

Damn it we’re screwed. however we should beat the Vikings, Texans and the Lions again and hopefully the Jaguars

Roger Drayton

Bear Down 🐻⬇️ 31-14



Adam Johnson

Based on what we know about the Saints, I don’t see Chicago winning this game. They’ve got the 4th ranked defense and the Bears are probably last in offense. That’s a guess by I’m sure I’m right. That offensive line makes it impossible to even compete with a decent team. I’m shocked they beat Tampa to be honest.

Brandon Gerardi

We are going to lose 5-3 sorry I am a bears fan but we are going to get crushed


Redemption Time, Looking forward to Boucing back and Winning the Race GO BEARS!!! 🏈🐻

Shalah Rahim

BEARS deserves respect how heck they loss also need to bring back all the former players

sergio madrigal

We better get in add another RUnning Back to help Montgomery!

    Tre Miller

    We got lamar miller they need to use him they tweakin hard asf


    @Tre Miller FR we need a back that can be somewhat quick! No offense too Montgomery but he’s too slow for our terrible O-Line!


Cut Demetrius Harris. Doesn’t even look like he wants to play.


    plus we got Jimmy and Kmet


Love this team. Saints will win though. UNLESS we make changes to play calling on offense. Our defense will always ball out.

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