Checking the Box: Chiefs vs. Raiders Preview | Defending The Kingdom 10/7 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE




Darion Allen



Chiefs are about to DESTROY the Raiders

    Alex Knight

    there are NE fans on Pat-Pulpit calling Pat Mahomes (Patty). No how childish can you get.


    Ik as a raiders fan this is ez dub for the chiefs we don’t stand a chance and I predict the score is going to be like 20 raiders to 40-50 chiefs

Chris Massey

Yes sir get that 5/0 ! Welcome to Arrowhead Raiders. Go Chiefs 🏈🏆

Vera Proctor

Fantastic 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

Theo Lee

One two. 3. Dominate. 🏹🏃🏃🏹🏹🏹🏈🏈🏈😁😁😁😁😁😁👍👀👈 bring on the los vegas radiers

Theo Lee

Blizing pat mahomes ask wink martindale what happen when he blized him mr gunslinger 💘 loves for you to bliz him😅👉😅🏹🏹🏈🏈👈👍👀

Dawn Michelle

DON’T call PATRICK Mahomes – Pat that’s his Dad’s name.
Randi hates it when people call PATRICK – Pat.
CHIEFS 5 – 0 🏈 raiders 2 – 3

samson gersing

Gannon took us playoffs, & dark times we put Elvis in, & next year we trade raiders. Then they go Superbowl

Bryanna Erpelding

Let’s go guys!! 5-0!!

Ryan White

Raider week baby!!!! Lets get it Chiefs kingdom!!!!


I don’t think it’s a Raiders-Chiefs rivalry anymore because the Chiefs have been bullying them lately😂

scooba steve

Jus curious.. Is Mahomes getting a prenup?

Sean S.

I still remember when we picked up Marcus Allen from the Raiders and how happy we ALL were, but Marcus was the most. And every time he played against the Raiders, he killed them. I’ve been a super Chiefs fan since ‘89 and I remember back in the Martyball days, that’s where I developed a certain distain for the Raiders. All because of the coach, first and foremost. But the rivalry isn’t really anything compared to what it was in, say the 60’s. We have been so fortunate to have gotten Big Red in 2013, because like Mitch said, we are 29-3, against our division, since he got here. Idk of the Pats have even had such a record against their divisional opponents lol. But my prediction is a 37-17 win over the Raiders 😬LEGGO #CHIEFSKINGDOM

TMI Watkins


Jeremy GREEN

Apparently Barber eats Aluminium

James Mckee

I seen on twitter talking about Hardman is under fire? Like wtf he scores a touchdown and gets catches every game?

    James Mckee

    I love the jet he is a monster .

Mitch Peters

I hear Marty. DEFEND ARROWHEAD. It’s good vs. evil

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