Chargers RB Joshua Kelley Introductory Press Conference, “I just love running between the tackles.” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

So excited to see the Jack boyz

Apollos Cook

2021 superbowl winners

    Legalize Ranch

    Apollos Cook more like 2023-24 I think

    Tony Avila

    Super excited since we now have our qbotf on a rookie contract. We’ll be able to sign some big name players in the next couple of years to compliment our team!

Shane Moseley

Home grown beast

Karl Da Retard

We didn’t really need him though we have Austin and Justin


    Nice opinion from ur couch

    Karl Da Retard

    eajilh ur prob on ur couch too

    EYES1CK !

    Did ekeler miss games last year?


    Justin is a great 3rd stringer Austin is a 3rd down back we need him great pick go bolts

    Joseph Sisneros

    @eajilh that’s facts? Lol what you mean!!


Kelley and Austin Ekeler will be a great one-two punch for the Chargers.


    ExtremeCloseUp241 don’t forget about Justin Jackson. He was tearing it up last year before Melvin had to come back and mess up the chemistry

    Diego Guevara

    Austin and JJ are definitely the 1-2 punch but I love the idea of what Kelley can bring in 3rd/4th and short yardage situations

Ice Man

Stick with #27

    Joffy Joffa

    He did it’s on


Chargers bout to have a great offense!!!

Tomas Rodrigo Salmon


TRD SuperCharger 808

Welcome to the LA CHARGERS! ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡GO CHARGERS GO ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡


Let’s Go Los Angeles Chargers ⚡️🏈

Ray Nordstrom

Good luck.

Greg Thornton

Let’s go have some fun, you man!!
GO BOLTS!. btw the new uniforms ROCK !!!

Tony Avila

Solid draft. Cannot complain given their draft positions they did an excellent job of filling need. Was really hoping for zack moss but kelley will be fine. He’s definitely going to have opportunities. We finally have a natural return man in reed. Not to mention reed and hill will be competing with patton as wr3. Alohi is another hardnosed high character football player. Again, cant complain, the team improved on day 3. Let’s just sign jason peters now and resign square for depth.

    Joffy Joffa

    I’ll take this guy over Zack Moss bro he’s slow as hell. This dude runs a 4.4 and is thicker than Melvin Gordon BTW.

    Joffy Joffa

    Paton should not be competing for the 3 spot. He litterally gets no separation doesn’t come up with ANY catches game after game he was no help at all. And yes Jason Peter PLEASE 🙏

Alex Kieu

Yessir bring the UCLA fans to LA

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