Chargers Look to Get Back on Track Against Raiders, “It’s all about learning” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dangerous Taco17

Herbert’s hoodie is 🔥🔥🔥

brandon rodriguez

Chargers we rebuilding . Stay positive boiz

    Legend__ 21

    That’s the sad part though bro.. we shouldn’t be rebuilding. We had an elite defense and offense. All we had to do was pick up some good o linemen for our future QB and we would be good…but these terrible coaches brought us down in flames smh🤦🏾‍♂️.. And they HAVE to be fired.

    Hriday Raj

    @Legend__ 21 We do have a good oline we just have to learn how to not be injured lol

    Legend__ 21

    @Hriday Raj lmao sorry bro, but we NEVER really have had a good o line these past few years. We can blame it on injuries, but in all honesty we are terrible at investing in solid o linemen who aren’t injury prone. So we gotta do better with that.


    @Hriday Raj that’s facts, we’re missing our starting center for the whole year and we been missing our starting guard and tackle for the majority of the season

tamire davis

Bro Im getting tired of Lynn. Im sorry buddy but u gotta go. U can be the rb coach but not head coach. Pass the rock. Herbert is nastyy n he can run the ball. N he 6 ft forever😂😂. We need a andy Reid.

    SAGA EJ1

    Reid??? LMFAOOOOOOO he has Patrick Mahomes no way he would come here.

    tamire davis

    No im saying Tht we need someone like reid as a coach. Herbert arm is amazing. But we have yet to really realize tht this man didn’t get no pre season reps no nun. Next year him allen, mike🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥n it looks like other wrs are stepping up. When we get Derwin back boyyyy. Cuzz instead of them Trading Rashawn Jenkins they trade away desmond king😭😭🤦🏾‍♂️

    SAGA EJ1

    @tamire davis ohh ok yes I agree

    Legend__ 21

    Facts bro, Gus bradley gotta go too…herbert needs coaches who actually believe in him


    The jury is still out on coach Lynn. The defense is responsible for the 2-5 record. We need better players and smarter coachs on defense

Гоша Гео́ргий Константинович Микчаилов

We’re still hella cursed regardless. If I were to sum up this franchise with a phrase it would be, “low battery” lmao.

    Riley Ladiero

    I like “always injured no matter how many strength and conditioning coaches we fire and hire”

Legend__ 21

Always good to see my boys Herbert and king mel⚡👑💯, and it hurts me to see Kenneth Murray look so sad man, but ik he’ll learn and bounce back from this . These players deresve better coaches…so fire them.

    Shiba Inu Des

    We finally get great talent at QB who BTW plays great and aggressive. If they stifle Herbert’s talent, Telesco should look at potential coaching changes from the college side…IMO (like Urban Meyer)

    Legend__ 21

    @Shiba Inu Des facts bro


    This game gave me Mccoy vibes man, on that night where he was caught with his hands in his face. Still can’t believe they had the luxury to get of King. Like once one guy goes down dude we are soft at the DB position.Once CHJ and Casey leaves. King was the future of that secondary with DJ too. after that a major dropoff in talent. We are screwed man, like years back when our DB group sucked.

    Legend__ 21

    @ROCKSTARMANIC exactly bro, these coaches are bringing us down in flames and it pissed me off that we haven’t fired anyone yet.. telesco is tripping right now smh


We are good with Herbert.. but fire Lynn.

    Legend__ 21


    VNB6 Vinilla latte B6


    Shiba Inu Des

    I don’t think they realize what they have with Herbert.

    Johnny Cakes

    Herbert is 1-5.. Lynn has taken this team to the playoffs with a washed up rivers. If lynn. Wants yo save his he will bring back taylor and win some games.


    @Johnny Cakes Herbert isn’t the problem, he’s been putting up A LOT of points against great defenses. The issue is the defense.

Snowsuit Guy

Our defense hurt lol

Daegan Patterson

Fire Lynn

    Legend__ 21


    JaMz Gaming

    Yes sir

    Johnny Cakes

    I agree. Turning your back on your starting qb after the team dictor injures him .. Then putting in a rookie qb who clearly isnt ready, who then takes a playoff caliber team and goes 1-5.. Lynn shiuld be fired.


Mel do you watch yourself on films 🎥? Talking about 11 heads on ball 🤦‍♂️.. do me a favor and watch Bosa..

    Manny Mota

    Ingram is overrated

    Daniel Adams

    Bosa will be out for the raiders game. He really needs to put pressure on Carr, or he’s gonna shred our secondary. Gus should at least try blitzing since Bosa won’t be there to apply pressure.


    They should play Joe Gaziano #92 🔥.. we got depth

The only chargers Fan on earth

The only thing we need to learn is how to fire a defensive coordinator and how to not blow a lead. With how good our players are we should not be 2-5

    andrew choinski

    @Skillz beastboy 6-1

    Taison Kilgore

    @andrew choinski yeah fumbles and penalties cost us that game

    Skillz beastboy

    @andrew choinski wdym we would have beaten the chiefs

    The only chargers Fan on earth

    No we lost to the chiefs fair and square

    Taison Kilgore

    @Skillz beastboy he’s talking about the panthers game

Evan Kuang

in roblox i help the charger win a super bowl and played like Justin herbert LOL

    George Clayton

    They should hire you as our next coach buddy! 😄

    David Sanchez

    @George Clayton yeah anyone other than lynn lmao

    Purple Frosting


lynnsinn 97

Anthony “we got to get better” Lynn

    Don Soulo

    Showtime Leo 9-7 1st year
    12-4 next 6-10 following all I hear is excuses


    He should have that on his

    Steez- x

    @Showtime Leo lol tell that to the giants

michael dailey

Put Murray through tackling drills !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude should be intimidating people who try to go up the middle , instead that’s where their attacking , why ?????????

    Daniel Ortiz

    He’s always been bad in coverage and they keep putting him in coverage blitz the man he’s great at it smh

Hidden Unknown

These coaches are a disappointment


This is why we needed a smart experienced player like Desmond King in the secondary 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Mario Quintero

    I still can’t believe we traded him for a 6th round pick 🤦🏿‍♂️

michael dailey

Go Boltz , if ever there was a time and a game to close out a dominate performance this game is it !!!!! Don t just beat the Raiders , but crush them Chargers 38 Raiders 17 !!!!!⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️💛💙💛💙

    Adam Akemon

    Our defense will give up way more than 17

    TDMichael 1

    😂😂😂not happening 🤡🤡🤡

    TDMichael 1

    This gonna be a easy dub for the RAIDERS

    Adam Akemon

    TDMichael 1 it will be closer than you think


The chargers have yet to prove they deserve to have Justin Herbert as their QB


    @Johnny Cakes
    White privilege?
    Are a racist?
    Everyone is equal under the law in our country.
    So, is the fact that most of the NBA is black players, is that racist, no it’s because they are the best players, period.
    Too bad you look at race and not just ability. If Herb was black, he would still have more upside that Tyrod.
    MLK would be ashamed of you for judging people based on their race!

    Johnny Cakes

    @Donnachaidh yup. I said it. Its a factor. Always has been always will be…. Sorry if the truth upsets you.

    Johnny Cakes

    @Donnachaidh dont believe me.. Ask Dwayne haskins.


    @Johnny Cakes
    The Chargers have a black head coach and had a black starting QB.
    Doesn’t look like a racist organization to
    There is racism in the world because they are ignorant.
    Don’t assume that everytime a black loses a position, that it has racism in it.
    If he was a worse player than Tyrod then you may have a point but he has energized the offense in a way that Tyrod hasn’t per many fans and experts.

    Peter Ginty

    @Johnny Cakes laughable take. Did you watch tyrod week 1? He looked absolutely terrible, and the offense could not move the ball. We won that game because the Bengals were awful and their kicker pulled his hammy mid kick. Herbert looks like a superstar QB in the making, and the offense is putting up 30+ points a game. Clearly the problem is the defense and the coaching staff

Sergio Muñiz

The coaches are on the hot seat. They don’t make playoffs, it’s time for a change

    Adam Akemon

    I think playoff hunt is over at this point at best we go 9-7

ivan R

Tolesco keeps saying he’s trying to build a “culture”, just b.s. after b.s. how about signing TOP free agents!!! In 2019 it was old Thomas davis old mebane, at some point they’re gonna have to spend some money!!!!

Mary Jane Thompson

You know im a big Herbert fan. He has talent and give him time. Rookie mistakes happen. He will learn from those. Keep up the great work kid. Love my CHARGERS!!!!❤❤❤😎

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