Chargers Fall to Broncos in Week 12 | Final Drive | LA Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ryan Lomberg



Not going to lie this one was very disappointing.

Owen Stephen

The o line couldn’t protect Herbert. Never seen him have to face so much pressure from a defense in a game.

    Tay McCullough

    @Owen Stephen lol naw, I’m one of the few who haven’t actually 🤣

    Owen Stephen

    @Tay McCullough haha fair enough. I feel bad cus all I know about Baltimore is that it’s where the wire takes place and it’s home of the Ravens haha.

    Tay McCullough

    @Owen Stephen Lmaoo I hear that often

    Robert D.

    Same problem last year with the WORST OL in the NFL , but , yet we had MORE long plays ? AND we still keep getting 3rd & long all the time THIS year ? A few of these drops have come on those plays .

    Sam Oliver

    Broncos only rushed 4 too 😭


you beat Justin you beat the chargers. that’s the only way we have been winning. defense is average and will never shut down an offense themselves.

Steven Aguirre

And we thought Anthony Lynn was a horrible coach. Bad time management yes, but at least we had some in us. Not like this season.

    Joe Stevens

    Ask the Lions offense how highly they think of Anthony Lynn. Lol good riddance imo

    Steven Aguirre

    @Joe Stevens the Lions are bad anyways.

    Jonathon M

    @Joe Stevens about as much as they thought about Lombardi

Carlos •カルロス

Y’all were so cocky a couple weeks ago, what happened? Bolt down… 🤣

    Lafayette Cathey

    @Horror Channel see u next time you know whats gonna happen

    Master 291

    @Lafayette Cathey yes bro I can’t wait for us to take the W

    Lafayette Cathey

    @Master 291 As long as Djax and Carr continue to build chemistry we are gonna be scary Afc is wide open..

    Master 291

    @Lafayette Cathey nah I meant the chargers, but you if we fail, I would want you guys to win the division because I don’t want chiefs to win.

    Lafayette Cathey

    @Master 291 idk but I think Chiefs and Raiders both get in..


Man our O line was really missing Matt Feiler… that’s where this game shifted

Robert D.

Broncos got UP 14 – 0 And our team wasn’t doing any thing ? Swing Pass Joes game plan , lets run down by 14 points ?And with that great running game , who lead the team for the2nk week in a row ? Herbert was ?The real problem is simple , the DC VRS us ARE out coaching our OC [ Swing Pass Joe } and that’s NOT saying much , there !


Let’s accept this is a learning year. And get players staley can work w at certain positions . Next year and ahead will show em were the real deal

    Michael DUCKY rodriguez

    Chargers been saying that every single year


    Oh yeah well every year we dont have justin herbert or brandon staley. Put that in your pipe smoke it!!!


    @jklo881 this


    They have the potential to be a better team at the moment but need to work on defense mainly as it has been a major problem this season. Offense can do with a few tweaks, as staley has stated before about consistency for the rest of the season.


    @Matal we waited for the consistency, it’s not there . We need a big running back 1 or 2 lineman , replace the tillery non productive type players on the team and a 1 more strong player in the secondary.

Julian Lopez

Bolt Up

roberto galvan

this loss really hurt


AFC is wide open… we’ll see where chargers stacked up this weekend when kc plays denver… It will change the whole division standing..

Derwin James needs help!! That guys is a beast!!! Love that dude!!!


Could you imagine if Herbert had the amount of time Brady has in the pocket? Brady literally just stands back patting the football most of the time, and Herbert has to scramble almost every play.


I’m so disappointed in this team . I’ve come to terms that’s al though we’re an incredibly talented team(Mostly on offense)we’re just an average team this season . Joe gets worse and worse as a play caller by the week . our defense makes average Qbs look great.Teddy,Big Ben,Baker,Kirk Cousins. All we could hope for now is to squeeze into the playoffs and hope Hebert gets experience

ed swayze

the broncos won using a second and third string o line.also missing defensive players.the media calls the broncos mediocre so does that mean the chargers are less than mediocre?


Ducks lost

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