Chargers Fall to Broncos in Denver | The Final Drive Podcast – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dinky Dink


Meghraj - Chargers FAN India #BoltUp

Except Pep Hamilton I don’t trust anyone anymore on coaching staff 😑😏😡

Balenciaga Fetish

Just retire the whole franchise sick of this

Yung Pacc



Let’s get some new coaches in there that actually believe in Herbert.

    Daniel Jr

    Lynn wants a black Qb. That’s why he wanted Tyrod to start so badly. No faith in Herbert

    Гоша Гео́ргий Константинович Микчаилов

    @Daniel Jr I mean it’s up for interpretation regarding your Point of view. I’m not saying I’m defending Lynn, because I’m tired of lynn’s BS too! But he was trying not to throw the medical staff under the bus.

Kirito Andrew Đặng

Gus Bradley I appreciate you for the last 2 years. But sorry to say. Gus you are done. Need a new d coordinator that doesn’t call soft defense coverage. I’m still fuming how the hell we gave up 30 points. This looks nothing like a superbowl defense team and Broncos defense 2015 2.0. This team has so much potential to be a threat in the playoffs for years to come just so disappointed with this defense team. Literally our whole fanbase deserves better..our fans are carrying this team for motivation and this organization needs to listen to our fans when it matters. I was literally yelling at Gus in front of my game and defense. Herbert made one mistake INT. Easy to fix but It’s not all on him
Offense isn’t our main problem.defense is.It’s only 2 turnovers. He just needs to make sure the receiver gets behind the defender or in front of the defender and if the receiver calls for it then throw it make sure he’s ready for that catch to prevent an INT mistake in the endzone. Anyways man I love our team too much just to worry about all these things especially our defense and It’s like our defense is nothing without Derwin James. Just disappointed we’re only relying on derwin like It’s only a one man wonder’s just pathetic.😑Our whole defense is supposed to be stacked. Somebody’s got to be a leader and be a man to yell for once when we’re losing and be like hey what are we doing like get aggressive.. hope we bounce back against raiders. 💜⚡⚡


It makes it more heartbreaking to know that we lost to our former runningback

Ivan Sawaya élève

Have I told you the definition, of insanity. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That’s exactly what the Chargers are doing. They lead, they continue to play conservative when they have the lead instead of putting their foot on the opponent’s neck. They continue to play conservative and that’s what’s killing us. Something’s gotta change.


    Loved seeing drue tranquil tweeted that

    Bzhzj Bzhzj

    I actually feel bad for Chris and Hayley as they feel for all of us bc , at the end of the day , they’re Chargers fans too ! But they basically work for the team and they know what’s wrong but they can’t say what they really wanna say… sucks for them im sure !

Kocsis Balázs

Not the team fall. Anthony Lynn failed again, and better fire him now before he cause other damages..

Гоша Гео́ргий Константинович Микчаилов

We are cursed, it’s been like this for a long time.

    Гоша Гео́ргий Константинович Микчаилов

    @Bzhzj Bzhzj Jeez I respect your loyalty! My dad has been a fan since the mid 70s to early 80s as he was in his early 20s. He told me he never liked the Spanos family buying the team during the 80s. He never liked AJ smith, and how he fired Marty. He never liked coaches like Norv turner, McCoy, He barely likes Lynn. We have too much history and loyal fans being crushed every time by our Owners and coaching. I just wanna say, that I’m glad there are still loyal fans like you.

No Face No Case

This one hurt. If we don’t get rid of Gus Bradley and Lynn were doomed

Manny Mota

Watching this team is like watching the Twilight Zone. It’s getting old. If some type of coaching change is not made, what’s the point of watching next week?

    Michael L

    They better correct the ship Los Angeles will not support a team playing like this

Darrin Perez

Four games with 16 point lead or more and they still lose, that’s all coaching.

Wyatt Winterfeld

bye Anthony, unless we go 11-5 I think your time here is gone


Coach Lynn “we will watch the tape to fix our mistakes” …. bruh how about you look in the mirror the problem is starring back at you!

EverythingSport Ricky

Get the OC from Chiefs as head coach . Enough with this staff . Look at what rivers is doing in Indy with FEWER weapons on offense but with a GREAT staff

    Mina Lim

    Eric bienamy please

    Michael L

    Retool the whole coaching staff

    Kobe Toby

    No way, hes just lucky he has Mahomes as QB

    Michael L

    @Kobe Toby but the chargers have Herbert and look at how he is playing


It’s just hard to watch every week. We could’ve won all those close games man. Just sad how we play so good then terrible to close out the games😣

Sky Hunter

Chargers are 8-24 against AFC West opponents since 2015 and half of those wins came in 2018 lmfao. Pathetic.


and to add salt on the wound.. they trade desmond king for a lousy 6th round pick.


    @hellaBEEFY same not even a joke

    n g

    He was a “cancer”…NOT having a good year either. 6th was the best offer. Cars lose value when leaving the lot. Same w/ NFL players.


    @n g lmaooo

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