Change is necessary and it needs to happen now. | Houston Texans – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Charles Box

Awesome video this video needs to go viral

edward hasty

Im done with the texans

    Max Gray

    who asked?

    edward hasty

    @Max Gray if you want two support a team that want to sand up for a child rapes ?

    Dan Torr

    @Max Gray moron


knelt on or kneeled on

Frank Canales

This gave me chills…way to go Texans!


there is not one law that benefits white people more than black in America and if so show me… but there is a law that benefits blacks and not whites or asians. its called affirmative action a system that factors race in getting into a college and if you just so be black you have a lot higher chance of getting in that school then say a white or asian person.


    Madwrestler 145 nothing should be based on race this is not what Martin Luther King wanted when he said judge not on the color of skin but by the content of there character.

    Max Gray

    ROB AWESOME it’s really quite easy to explain how you’re wrong, but i know you’ll probably be extremely resistant to it. nonetheless, here’s why your comment misses the point so hard, and in that, fails to make a point at all. first of all you bring up the law, and how laws don’t benefit white people more than other races. nobody has ever argued that in today’s day and age, that is the case, so it makes no sense why you felt you should make that point. your willingness to cling to the justice system as the truth also showcases your naivety on full display, as it seems you don’t see the clear and obvious flaws with the justice system. it’s just factual that minorities get harsher sentences for the same crimes as their white counterparts, and this happens often. 28% of the 765 killed by police so far this year have been Black, despite them only making up 13% of the population, making them 3x more likely to be killed by a cop than whites, and it’s not because they’re “more likely to commit violent crime”, because the stats don’t back that up either. lastly, you bring up affirmative action, another really weak point. given that minorities are more likely to be killed, arrested, and stereotyped in every day life, it’s pretty silly to argue “well, they’re more likely to get into college”. white people dont get forced out of college because of affirmative action, that doesn’t happen, again look up the stats if you want. even so, i’d rather be slightly less likely to get into a top school than be rotting in jail or dead, even though i was innocent. i wouldn’t even bother responding to this if i were you..there’s nothing disputable about this. your original comment was pointless, silly, and highly uneducated.


    Max Gray I never said white people get forced out of colleges


    Max Gray affirmation action is basically this, an Asian gets a 32 on the act and the black gets a slightly lower score let’s say a 31 the college will take the black person because they want to be more diverse but my argument is it shouldn’t matter what the race is it should always be the best for the job. That’s how blacks actually have an advantage. We need to focus on black education and a good nuclear family system with a father in the household. Which the Marxist blm are against.


    Max Gray well said Max. Some folks just refuse to get it.


That’s my team

Andrew Acosta

Not watching the The Texans any more.

Milk Duds


Dan Torr

This is my team but im going Towards boycotting them this is some bs

    President Harden

    I’m sure they’ll delete the video after such a brave comment

    Dan Torr

    @President Harden lol as i care what you think clown they well when they see that the viewers are not there and they start losing money just like the sorry a** nba 🙂🤡🤡🤡


    So it’s bs because they uploaded a video about social justice? Lmao yeah go ahead hope you don’t come back.


Good for this team and great for the owner.

adam mustrick

That was awesome

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