Green Bay Packers – Page 73 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Category Archives for "Green Bay Packers"

Rock Report: Something to build on

The play of Green Bay Packers LB Quay Walker was one of the bright spots in the Week 4 loss to the Minnesota Vikings. Larry McCarren has the details. Subscribe to the Packers YouTube Channel:  #GoPackGo #Packers #GreenBayPackers #NFL Keep up-to-date on all things Packers: Visit  Follow:  Follow:  Like:  Follow: Follow: Add:

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Packers Daily: Hard fought game

Wes Hodkiewicz takes a look at Sunday’s loss to the Minnesota Vikings in this edition of Packers Daily. Subscribe to the Packers YouTube Channel:  #GoPackGo #Packers #GreenBayPackers #NFL Keep up-to-date on all things Packers: Visit  Follow:  Follow:  Like:  Follow: Follow: Add:

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Packers vs. Cancer at Friday night lights

Several Green Bay Packers players helped bring the Packers vs. Cancer initiative to the high school level by visiting the matchup between De Pere and West De Pere high schools on Friday, Sept. 27. The Packers gave a donation to a joint effort of the two schools’ Sting Cancer programs, presenting the check to an […]

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