Carson Wentz “Confident” Zach Ertz Has Big Games Coming | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Young Shredda

Trade ertz

    Ty Turner

    @David Smith list some other stats keep going or are you gonna ignore the good stats

    Young Shredda

    @Samu-el Daw-kins why he’s not the same anymore

    Young Shredda

    @David Smithhow’s Carson wentz gone succeed if he’s playing with practice squads receivers jeffery and jackson washed up I like reagors but I rather have jefferson over him too bad we got a dumb gm that don’t know how to draft picking JJ over DK. Had a opportunity to get hopkins and he decline it so wtf else u want from wentz???

    Young Shredda

    @David Smith howie roseman ain’t doing nothing to help his quarterbacks and Doug pederson running the ball more knowing we don’t have any receivers

Ty Turner

Sign Le’veon!!!


    We have a rb on a rookie deal. Last thing we need is another rb to take up cap space

    Young Shredda


    JoJoe MC

    Trade for or sign a couple of real linebackers.

    Young Shredda

    @JoJoe MC or receivers that can stay healthy

    Ty Turner

    @Young Shredda both are true and all coexist

David Smith

In 5 Seasons Carson Wentz
-has 0 playoff wins
-has 53 fumbles
-is 7-24 vs teams over 500
-has no heart and no desire to win
-has started 5-6 in 4 of his first 5 seasons
-makes dumb decisions holds ball too long
-ignores open recievers and makes everyone around him worse.


    Mahomes aint gonna win this year…they got lucky last year…came from behind every playoff game…tell em to stop it!

    Led Hendrix

    @Nate *Mahomes Is 25 With More Playoff Wins And A Sb Win As A Starting QB… Can’t Say The Same About Wentz… Hell Dak Got Drafted Higher And At Least Got A Playoff Win…Goff Has Playoff Wins… Lamar Jackson Has Playoff Wins…Stop Gassing Wentz Now Like He Has A Playoff Win As a Starting QB Of His 5 Yr In The NFL… Case Closed Fangirl You Lost.*

    Led Hendrix

    @Young Shredda *And Yet Foles Got Playoff Wins With The Eagles In Different Yrs Since His Rookie Contract Lmao…Now Again You Wentz Fangirls Can’t Talk About Foles Since Wentz Isn’t Even Close To His Status… Btw Little Boy If You Didn’t Know Foles’s Status… It’s The #1 QB In Eagles History To Not Only Win A SB For The Eagles But The Only Person Let Alone QB For The Eagles To Win The SB MVP…Time For You To Stfu Before I Make You Look “Goofy” All Over Again.*

Ty Turner

Le’veon would help out this offense. With a new running back in our system like him is a threat. A package with him & Miles Sanders could lead to success. If the price is right make the move please!!!!!

    Ty Turner

    if he fits the teams identity it could be great

    Chase Robinson

    We don’t have the cap. We need to stop bringing people in or it’ll ruin whatever future we still might have

    Earl Smith

    I like that idea!! But with cap HELL that we are in and the cancer bell is in the locker room! Idk if it’s worth it! I say where is Holyfield and turner! Where are these guys we heard were killing it in training camp! I just think they don’t trust young players . It’s all about veterans which is why so many old people still here and always hurt

    Young Shredda

    For what??? Doug pederson not gon run him the ball

    Ty Turner

    @Young Shredda might be right but I have some faith that if he has a “loaded backfield” he’ll be inclined run like he did in our superbowl run. I also think the market value for Le’veon is lower than it might seem especially if we move some pieces around.

Chucky Brown

Wentz is the ONLY QB in the League without a Starting WR and real OC like katt Williams said I’ll wait🤔

    Young Shredda

    Someone finally understand

    Oscar Lopez

    So since he doesn’t have a receiver. He throws ints?

    Chucky Brown

    @Oscar Lopez who’s he throwing too? Dudes off the streets?

JoJoe MC

Ertz should get traded. You give money to the younger and better player, Goddert. This organization should learn that there’s NO loyalty in sports. Time to start trading or cutting some of the older, banged up veterans.

    Jeffrey Sherm

    I love Ertz but your right last game on the int Zack Ertz completely gave up on the play


Ertz gotta step up big time so that we can hike up his trade value lol

Butch Jones


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