Cam Newton on winning: It takes a collective unit – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Razer Goated

We’re all with you Cam🖤


    NO We’re not cam SUCKS

    Alex Christopher

    @Samuel Gerten lmao lmao this made me laugh get that fool out of the chat


    I’m not


    Need the hat, cigar, and glasses Cam. Trying to look serious while losing is not your style. I hope to see you celebrate a 1st down while being down 30 pts.

Naz Idoura

6:02 – 6:28 THANK YOU CAM. Somebody said it.


Thank you Cam for coming back….Nr. 1 forever. Keep pounding


    yep, 1-5. No one could do better!

Anasia Jones


    Alex Christopher

    Cam doesn’t have it no more


    Caught em in 4k


I respect the hell outta Cam. “No. Why?“ It’s amazing!

Derrick Busch

Cam is a true man from day one he always threw his self on the sword.

    J Barringer

    Just not on that fumble in SB50

    Al Gordon

    @J Barringer get a life. You should’ve went to the NFL, then the superbowl so you could’ve gotten the fumble

    Alex Christopher

    @J Barringer yooo lmfao

    Ed Cottingham

    @Derrick McNeill yea…we don’t want to no truth-tellers ’round here!


Finally someone says it, Cam said it right it’s all about working as a collective unit. No one player can hold the whole team on their shoulders the whole team has to work together in sync only way to be effective.

    Samuel Gerten

    What? Every time this dude has lost this year hes reminded the fans its a team effort in order to keep the heat off himself its been said every week. 😆


    @Samuel Gerten cus it is?? Yall think just cus cam is here he’s supposed to magically fix everything. It’s a collective. Not a solo mission. On top of that they brought cam in at the worst time of the season. Too little too late for this team to be saved. Our season is finished. And no way are we beating Tampa if we couldn’t even beat the bills.

    Samuel Gerten

    @me I never had any illusions he could ever save a thing. Hes proven that throwing arm isn’t going to ever get better.


    @me finally a fan with a brain

Brad Holt

Cam is a good guy and I wish he had a decent o line and coaching staff to give him a chance to succeed.

    Samuel Gerten

    And a new throwing arm and maybe more focus on football and possibly a smarter brain.

    Alex Christopher

    Good guy ok football player

    Time - A - Tell

    I’m a Cam fan but what happened in New England ?


    @Time – A – Tell seems certain players get a pass for terrible playing for whatever reason and Cam has always been that guy

Anthony Mccollum

He’s not done , this man takes all the blame even when he’s thrown under the bus , points the finger at himself. #StickWitCam #OneDayYouGoneListen

    Alex Christopher

    He may put the blame on himself but he doesn’t improve


    @Alex Christopher yes he does he doesn’t work on improving him he works on improving the whole team and he but self confidence on other Ayers


    @Alex Christopher players


Cam speak from the heart

Tonia Dewar

Y’all got this! Just glad you’re back Cam! #KeepPounding 💙🖤💙🖤

Joseph Cagle

I wish Cam had this attitude years ago, I am really impressed with his answers. He is a team player now for sure.

    shiv mirani

    @Paul Mancini  in order to win you have to have good OL, WR, defense etc. How many teams in playoff position have bottom tier o lines and weapons? How many playoff teams don’t have a defense? Look at the 49ers for example, elite running game weapons and defense and then you got Jimmy G who can make the open pass when he has time to a guy like Kittle or Deebo on 3rd and short, you think Jimmy making the playoffs on the Panthers or the Jags or the Jets etc? Look at the cowboys what’s been the difference the run game has been better, o line has been healthier, and defense has been considerably better and that’s why they made the playoffs this year. Come on now. Even in years past the panthers had an amazing defense, run game and Cam is the weapon that’s why he’s one of my favorite players ever cuz yeah he did things nobody ever did but at the end of the day you can’t do that in the NFL for decades (plus having Greg does help)

    Stephen Knotts

    @shiv mirani Yep he had Greg,Steve Smith, our defense had TD and Luke. In 2015 we were the whole 📦.

    shiv mirani

    @Stephen Knotts  wouldn’t say we were the whole package cuz let’s be honest there were no WR’s and the o line was alright but in general there were no glorying weaknesses. Now it’s like we have a coach who has no idea wtf he’s doing, no run game other than Cam, no TE, other than DJ no consistent recovering option and an atrocious offensive line. The defense is amazing but it’s also fair to say they can be streaky. Also I don’t get what’s the big issues we lost to a Washington team that is much better, a Miami team that’s won like 7 straight, and Buffalo which is a much better team than us not like Cam is losing against the jets lol

    Alesha P Austin

    That’s what I was thinking…

    joe claridy

    He did but he never was in a situation like this at Carolina before. Now he’s giving his best effort to not curse these reporters out.

Cynthia Johnson

With you Cam and the entire team. He takes the blame for entire team when truly the entire team has issues. The whole team needs work but expect Cam to be the Hero🤦🏾 Work on the Entire team

MR. FRIEND and Company

If we are going through another loosing season, please bring Cam back. Love the new Cam.


    We’ll definitely have another losing season if we bring him back

Vernice Francis

Continue to be yourself and play your game. You go Cam. Love…

Ar'Nesha Hill

Cam wasn’t tolerating no bullshit in the press conversation 😂, now let’s rock out Sunday boogie 🤟😈

    Ethel Vee

    🤟🏾💯❤️ Keep 🙌🏼

d 2

Fix the o line and bring this man back. We will be a contender again. Period.

Ben Tate

Dude killed these interviewers, loved seeing this cam you brought us the best years we’ve ever had in Carolina

Faye Jones

Well said Cam. It’s a distraction if you make it a distraction. Keep Pounding !!

James Simpson

Cam will always be my favorite quarterback. Love this guy as all these player haters keep trying to get at him

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