Cam Newton expresses frustration after loss in Buffalo – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Sandy Smith Jr

Cam doesn’t have a fair chance


    @Sports Card Mafia facts

Karsten Kerlefsen

Cam vs his own coach and OC and opposite defence and coach, get rhule out of here man🤦🏼‍♂️

Mr. Stoney Loney

Cam don’t look happy being there and it probably has a lot to do with the coach and some of the staff. Tepper needs to take control of his team and do something about it. They look miserable


Cam has done way too much in his career to be subjected to this terrible play from the line and terrible coaching

    Christopher Harrington

    @maca delic what about last season with NE, Cmon man move on its time, can’t live in the past.

    maca delic

    @Christopher Harrington pre covid cam was amazing 💁‍♂️

    maca delic

    @Bill Shun released him cuz of new crew,

    Bill Shun

    @maca delic that’s fair and the Pats released him bcos a 22 years old new kid in town.

James Snyder

Rhule needs to go and we need an O-Line. It’s that simple.

    Bernard D. Partridge

    @Gods killer I have been saying that for a while now. I like Cam but he is just a runner and not a passer.




    And a new QB


    @hecg83 Did you watch any of the games

    Alex Christopher

    @IMSAUC3D I would definitely say he did because he knows well that cam isn’t the answer nor is PJ or Sam


I feel bad for Cam, he takes so much heat when the team doesn’t perform well when he’s behind the worst Panthers o-line I’ve ever seen as a fan of this team.

    Bill Shun

    @Christopher Harrington “ The Panthers fans are living in the past “ what past? Did the Panthers ever won anything? 😂

    James Catoe

    @Anthony John does he even have time to find anyone downfield to throw the ball to? He’s getting hit every play and has cam driving as his tackle. A lot of the OL aren’t even playing in position

    Anthony John

    @James Catoe I’ve been watching games this has been 2 years now his arm Is shot

    Is That How You Talk To Your Mother?

    @Sasaki’s Subliminals pats are the best defense in the league by far


Cam realizing what a mess coming back to this team was…but he loves them just like us fans o-line, barely a d-line, and no special teams either, bad coaching …etc..etc…

    James Catoe

    @trea 10x he got 2 other offers as well. Houston and Seattle wanted to sign him


    @Bill Shun I bet he secretly is though, how can u not complain after these last few months..yikes

    Rob Snow

    Came back because it was the only team that offered him money… We’re paying him more than NE was before he was cut and probably more than if we would have resigned him in the first two weeks of the season. Cam is simply just as far in over his head as coach Rhule … Truth hurts but the guys career completion average has declined substantially every single season since 2018.

    Bill Shun

    @panthergal73 I bet he secretly laughing all the way to the BANK

    Christopher Harrington

    Just stop man, the Cam thing isn’t working, move on!!

Ethel Vee

Cam you did your Job so keep the Faith! You’re still going to be my Number 1 Quarterback Today Tomorrow and Always !
You’re an Amazing and Awesome Man both on & Off the Field! The Offense & Defense have to do their Job as Well it’s Teamwork!
Be Forever Blessed

    Ben Alford

    If mac Jones were on this team this year he would have been called a bust

    Stephen Dye

    @Rittenhouse Not Guilty laughable considering last year the patriots had the worst WRs and TEs in the league with a mediocre line and only solid RB play. Cam drug that team to 7 wins.

    Kayden Perra

    @Rittenhouse Not Guilty going 15-1 in 2015 is pretty good though, not sure the comment on his hair and “wearing makeup” was necessary

Ar'Nesha Hill

i feel so bad for him , love you always Cam 💙


    He’s back!!!!!

David R

Don’t Sweat it Cam. The real fans know the truth. The truth is Matt Rhule has untested rookies that could potentially and would most likely perform better than our current Oline. Matt refuses to make these changes because He wants Cam to fail because he never wanted him there in the 1st place. How many times have we heard Matt Rhule put blame on Sam Darnold? Yup that’s right. He never did not once!

    Danielle Sartin

    Hey VR, and one of the starting QBs that is statistically worse then Cam is that other carolina QB…just saying

    DayOneBullz Kennel

    @VR003SJ what was the pocket passer Quarterback Sam problem . How can any stand in the pocket behind our offensive line smh lol

    DayOneBullz Kennel

    @TheAlmightyPUH T.A.P. Cam Newton deserve the right to at least be a backup for us next year . He know he ain’t as good as he use to be but look at our other options at quarterback on our roster . It’s not like they have ever prove or won anything in this league.

    TheAlmightyPUH T.A.P.

    @DayOneBullz Kennel l agree with that. Cam would be an amazing Backup and could be a leader veteran in the locker room for a very young team. He’s still good. He’s just not Supercam anymore. It’s time we stop expecting him to be.

    Sherrod Gary

    Cam Take The High Road. You Just Came To A Very Hot Mess In Charlotte.


We love you 4L Cam . Win loss draw you’ll always be OUR QB

    michelle hamilton

    YES!!! I am so rooting for him! I get really nervous watching him play .. I’m saying “no interception no interception” lol but like you said … win lose or draw .. I ♥️ him

    Bill Shun

    I’m rooting for him to run for office maybe like mayor of Charlotte his days is over as a starting QB

Roger Braswell Jr.

I hope the team doesn’t cut him after the season is over. It’s not his fault the Panthers suck. It started at the top with the owner. Since he’s took over the Panthers have been pathetic

    Zachary Schurr

    One year contract, they can’t cut him. But they should resign him to a 2-year deal and draft someone to develop

    southpark 981

    @Zachary Schurr no.. Absolutely no need to bring back Cam after this season. Just fire matt rhule draft a QB & hit the reset button already

    Roger Braswell Jr.

    @Zachary Schurr that’s what I meant. Same deal

    Roger Braswell Jr.

    @southpark 981 they can draft a QB and still keep Cam. They need to draft the whole O-line and get another Luke running the D

    Terry Jefferson

    @Roger Braswell Jr. they can keep cam to use on the 10 yard line to get those rushing TDs and use him as a goaline guy

Kyle Nichols

Notice how cam never blames anyone else

    James Catoe

    He never once has and has always taken accountability, but he’s a “bad teammate” and an “all About me guy” to the casuals

    Kyle Nichols

    @James Catoe Ik man it’s such a terrible narrative on him

    James Catoe

    @Kyle Nichols even when rhule throws him under the bus for a play that wasn’t even cams fault cam still chooses to take the high road as he usually does. He’s always been that way though that’s nothing new to us. He easily could’ve complained about how he has little yo

    James Catoe

    Little to no help on the OL and no competent coaching

    Kyle Nichols

    @James Catoe Ik it’s been like that’s a long time

Cynthia Johnson

Hold your head up Cam. What is meant for you is for you no matter what anyone say.


You can tell he wanted to say something about the play calling. He didn’t want to throw anybody under the bus.

corinne Watson

I see so much growth in Cam since he was first drafted. He handles this tough time with maturity. He seems to be focusing on how he can progress. He is not pointing a finger of blame at others. It seems to me that Rhule is trying to throw Cam under the bus possibly to take the attention off of himself. All folks need to look at what they can do to progress instead of pointing at others to cast blame. The problem is not just in one area or one person.

    Finston Howard

    Cam is good but does he have to put on a circus show everytime he score? Meanwhile they still losing. Nothing is wrong with celebrating but he kinda over do it sometimes. That’s why defenses try to take him out because of the celebrating.


Like I always say, no matter what happens you will always be my favorite football player of all time, you brought me MANY years of joy, I will love my Panthers and Cam 4L


I feel so bad for Cam. Coming to this dumpster fire of a team, having to play for an incompetent coach, and people blaming him for the loss? Not cool.


Been a die hard panthers fan since 96. Its never been as hard to watch the games as it is now. We have a coach who cant take responsibility for his lack of execution. He is no leader. Cam is human first. I have seen so much growth in him as a man and professional. When they let him go he was struggling, as everyone in life does. The panthers had no right to let our franchise player go the way they did. Tepper and rhule are to blame. I hope that rhule is gone by next season and pray that cam is givin the opportunity he absolutely deserves to be the qb of the panthers. Cam is a panther for life. Love you man and thanks for going so hard for us the fans. True fans know what it is. Ridin til the wheels fall off. Id take cam to war with me any day. He has that passion for carolina blue like noone else. Keep your head up and keep pounding


I get mad when people say cam doing bad. He gotta learn the playbook, get an o-line and just progress. He wasn’t signed for like 3-4 months so he just needs to get back in the groove.

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