Cam Jordan wants to buy referees glasses 😂 #shorts – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


    DK Metcalf

    Nfl get better refs



Junior Camper

It’s cool how the ref was going with it!


😳 he really said that 😳

Big Slimm

Yes. A lot of these refs need prescription lenses 😆

T Bolton

Oh that will have to be approved, by the Tom Brady refereeing committee.

    Brooke A

    Oh my gosh… I thought about commenting something like this. But saying “he needs to buy the refs who made the roughing the passer call against Jarrett some glasses.” I’m with 94 on this one… “How?” Like idc if he’s Brady. Just how??

Sebastian Allen

🤣🤣🤣 he said that so smooth.. The Ref couldn’t even be mad about it

FC Guam



I love how most people in the world wear glasses but I haven’t seen one ref but one on the TV with glasses

    Ben Toomet

    You never heard of contacts?

    Rudy Sal 14

    @Ben Toomet they can’t make contacts that thick

    jack Denihan

    I wouldn’t say most people wear glasses thou

Gary Booker

Fortunately that official has a sense of humor.

    KingJamie The Mad

    Sense of humor and a pocket full of bribe money


It’s cam Jordan bruh 😀


The Saints uniform is really nice


Ref was a good sport about it

Jessica Evans

“It’s not a bribe…I just want you guys to see clearly!”

Brooks Dalmer

The MLB umpires would have ejected him immediately.

Brooke A

“Y’all got a fund for that” 😂 idk why that part got me the most. Just glad the ref could go along with the joke, smiling and laughing


Love it


Referees do solid work by and large!

KingJamie The Mad

That ref laughed like “glasses😂we already been paid way more than the price of glasses”

The refs are dictating games and us fans should boycott if they keep it up

Rita 25 y.o - check my vidéó

It’s cool how the ref was going with it!

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