Byron Leftwich on Rookie Tristan Wirfs & Tom Brady’s Impact on the Offense | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
stéphane A

He’s funny, he thinks he coaches Brady.

Edit : it’s a joke, BTW.


    Well, it´s like a 6 yo opening a lemonade stand and after 1 week teaching Bezos how to run a business.

Niles Miller

Jenna questions are so irritating I see why Jamesis use to be sarcastic with her..gosh!

Boo Radley

I think the key will be designing more plays that get the ball out of Tom’s hand in accordance with the mental stopwatch which he has fine-tuned to (at least) within 0.10 second. Running more of those plays will increase the overall number of successful deep passes as Tom will pick the right time to catch the D-line and secondary off guard. The Buc O-line will have more energy with timing plays as they won’t have to worry about protecting a scrambling QB with 5 – 7 step drops on extended/broken pass plays. They’ll now know exactly when they’ll have to max protect on the deep ball. Likewise, Tom will catch the secondary cheating up trying to stop Tom from slicing them up with his quick timing passes, screens and run plays. Tom will know when the D-line is most frustrated and exhausted trying to rush him and will pick the next play to catch them sleeping, catch the secondary pressing, and will deliver a deep pass in stride to a wide open Evans, Godwin, Scooter, Juice, Grate, Gronk, etc.

    stéphane A

    You,re bright.

Fred Kenzelmann

I’m Done with the Buccaneers, I’m not a Buccaneers fan anymore, Tom Brady is a Big Overrated Cheater!!
Gooo Panthers!!!

    Rogue Cheddar

    We thank you for your contribution, however meager it may be.

    Kev Fournier

    Okee dokee

    Linda Burkowski

    Someone get the butthurt report form.


    So you left our team to go with a basement squad of no-names. Please do come back here 😂

Chris Pinkerton

I’m getting really sick of Ed Incina constantly asking questions that have nothing to do with Bucs Football in the sense that they are focused on the season not outside things, they know they can support and talk but they are not the ones that can make things change that’s not their job it’s the police, politicians and the people on being properly educated on what to do when a cop is going to arrest you. As bad and scary as what we saw in the video, the guy was known for being violent and he didn’t comply and tried to drive off. If he had just put his hands behind his back or got on the floor and allowed the officers to arrest him there is 0 reason for them to fire.

    Rod McCollum

    Sounds about white.

    Chris Pinkerton

    Rod McCollum haha like your play on words but it’s not white it’s fact. The two biggest thing that could have stopped that man from being shot. 1, the dude completely complied with the cops and doesn’t try to drive away and 2, the cop hits him with the taser instead or they take him to the ground. Both the cop and the guy are at fault. FACT

Linda Burkowski

TPB Organization- We are sad to say Billy our water boy slipped and broke his neck today. He will be taken questions live from the hospital.

Jenna Laine- Hi Billy-When you broke your neck did you think about Tom Brady?

Billy: My wife and kids actually.

Jenna Laine-OK, so they are fans of his as well? What does that mean to you?

The Artistic Drive

Very impressive view on “player coach” thinking.


Can we say affirmative-action hire?

daniel mcfarlane

Keep politics out of sports!

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