Buster Skrine on protests, virtual offseason program | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
MightyDuckDemitrius 1


Gavin Scott



He better show up next season


    Don’t count on it. He’s more dedicated to his girl hair than he is to football.

    Bboy B3000

    He is a New York Jet i don’t need to say anything else.

Zachary Jones

Buster has a solid season last year really good slot DB appreciate his hard work.. BEAR DOWN…

Ha Jha

4 lol

Capt. Dude

I would love to see the entire Bears team take a knee in solidarity with the protests the American people are having across the country. Chicago love y’all and Chicago would definitely have your backs.

Football Addict

I expect 5 interceptions this year

Pascal Johnson

How many times are y’all gonna ask this man the same charged question trying to bait him into controversy with his answer. Literally like 5 questions in a row to get him to say he wants the nfl to take action shitty reporting



Entrenched Trader

Buster did good . Im glad he’s on the team. Last year was a pleasant surprise. Hope he has another good year

I Get Trippy

These reporter questions are so lame seriously

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