Bucs Celebrate After 33-27 Overtime Win vs. Bills | Celebration Cam – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

From 30for30 too 10-3 .. BUC NATION !!


GO BUCS!!!!! ✝️🇺🇸🏴‍☠️🏈

Ian Burke

Certainly one of the most epic finishes to a football game I’ve seen!! Huge win for sure! Go buccaneers!!!!!


    When the Bucs go into overtime, but WIN, in overtime, I get a “queesy stomach!”

Gerry Lanteigne

Gut wrenching wins that’s what you get as a Tom Brady fan .

    ty sanders

    At least he gets those wins….

Joel El Rican

It’s so nice to see Ray Jay full again…

Coffee Black

Go Bucs!!

Max Glen

Bucs euipment guy secret MVP for scooping up that 700th TD Ball Game winner!


    Ran with it like he recovered a fumble

    P Pumpkin

    Brady has enough balls, give it to the receiver, wasn’t that his first TD?

    quest 77051

    @P Pumpkin it’s brady’s 700th. it’s brady’s ball.

    DJ DanDizle

    @P Pumpkin What? PERRIMAN was a 7 year vet, former 1st rounder, and former BUCCS STARTER

    Bradley Brown

    They had guys stationed EVERYWHERE to recover those record setting footballs.

quest 77051

great game but i hate it when my buccs try and give me a heart attack. LET’S GOOOOOOOO!

    Ben Vasilinda

    But u will be watching every Sunday.

    quest 77051

    @Ben Vasilinda absofreakinglutely lol.

Keith Rowe

This game felt like a playoff game!!

    Christopher Greenwell

    It kinda was a playoff game. Also, amazing job Vegas does on the odds. The bucs barely covered.

John Smith

The Bucs staff/ball boy did a good job in getting Brady’s 700th TD. He didn’t have to cough up a bit coin like the last time Evans gave away his ball. lol

Convince Me

I run out of finger nails to bite. I have to bite my toe nails ! 😆 Great win Bucs !

Davi Clar

Good quick scoop up and run, ball boy!!
That was money!


Im a lifelong Bucs fan….. all I can say is….. I have a HUGE mancrush on Tom Brady!!!! LFG!!!!

    ryan rich

    Right there with you haha how can you not?

Paulo Cooks

Nice job . Ball boy! Future RB in the making.


Welcome back Breshad!!!!! 💪🏾 💪🏾 💪🏾

Brady Fang

2021 and Tom Brady STILL Winning AFC East Titles for the Patriots 2-years after he left!

Nick Rykert

I run to change to another BUCS shirt before overtime! GO BUCS!!!

Vincent Wright

Did not have to end like that . Should’ve been a easy win but I’ll take it. Hurts to lose like that .

Edward Bremer

I love the bucs, but they cant seem to play 4 quarters of good football! They either start off really slow and have to play catchup the second half or look unstoppable the first half and stink it up the second half. We need 4 quarters of good football to win the superbowl this year!

Don Warr

This should be a game of concern, you were winning 24 to 3 after the half, then you had to fight in overtime by the end of the game, this game shouldn’t have gotten away like that, this would be a loss in the playoffs.

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