Bruce Arians: We Built Team on Defense, Brady Icing on the Cake | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Rawle Springer

just watch the national media run with this quote and misrepresent it


    let them speak, Bill Belichick would gave the same quote. Today it was a great game by the bucs, for the first time Arians aggressiveness mixed well with Tom Brady smart control, TE got involved, WR obviously, RB should be more but McCoy should improve more with the time

    David Zzz

    Brady is “just icing on the cake?” I’m beginning to think Bruce is saying all this for the national attention.

    Kingluck3 R

    @David Zzz It’s true though.Most of our effort has been put into building the defense. Evans was drafted high, but we got super lucky with Godwin. Most high pickes have been defense. This team was build to win with even a mediocre qb starting, but the fact that we got Tom Brady is the icing on the cake, basically every major position is now filled very good to elite level talent.

    David Zzz

    @Kingluck3 R
    It’s obvious at this point the defense is ahead of the offense. From years of watching football, I’ve noticed coaches that run their mouth tends to be not successful at winning the big games. Jim Mora, Dennis Green, Rex Ryan just to name a few. Let’s hope for Brady’s sake Bruce is the exception.

Bud Cannabliss


Adam Davies

This D is looking real good…. playing with confidence! O will get better every week hopefully

    Tommy Heap

    Sorry bro but that Denver Offense was nothing special…

    Austin Burns

    Tommy Heap shutting down the other teams RB and having good blitz success is still something good no matter the team

    Ryan Pruitt

    Tommy Heap the defensive was top 5 before Sunday

    Mickey Finn

    This coach blows


Too many penaties

Chum MD

Exactly protect the goat and give him targets yall cant lose .go bucs

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    That was definitly the case today. Lots of underneath passes mixed with some timely deep shots. That’s the key to keeping the Ws coming. With D of course

Eva Charkowski

BA says they missed some gimmes?…is he talking about the 5 drops or did Tom miss guys wide open?

    Tom Janez

    He did miss Gronk badly when he was open. Gronk is playing himself back into shape. He’ll be fine. But! Tom need to feed that beast plus OJ! I love when TE split the D in the middle. Such a weapon. Look Evans/Godwin, the white kid, the TE plus throwing to our 3 RB! Tom got weapons. 8 different people caught balls today. BA has to understand this is a D FIRST TEAM! And TB12 will take care of the ball and go deep in the playoffs. They got something here!!

    Joseph Rojas

    @Tom Janez But he still got the passing TD to finish the drive.

    Tom Janez

    It’s fine! But it’s about offensive efficiency. When the play is there you want to execute! They still have some things to clean up. They’ll be ok against the Chargers at home but they need to button this up by week 5 at Bears and week 6 back home against GB!!

    Bruce Alan

    Just Arians doing everything he can to make sure he gets the credit and not Brady when the Bucs go to the play-offs.

    Mickey Finn

    Bruce Alan you are so right! He’s not a super bowl coach

Tom Janez

Hey!! D still wins championships because they take the ball away in a number of ways. If this offense continues to progress and we can avoid a lot of defense injuries, our D could help us go deep in the playoffs!

Abdelhali Bachir Belmehdi

Take care of Tom! Give him time!

Ed Kavanaugh

Poor Challenge that cost 2 time-outs…i think Bruce needs to have better decision-making too. Things like that is what can turn the tide of the game mechanically.

Cookie Sniper

Everybody criticizing the Bucs keep in mind they had no preseason, Tom is adjusting to an entirely new offense…and they are 2-1. I can see them getting better and better and being a top contender in the Playoffs (maybe they go 12-4). We’ll see.

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    Saints & Panthers are 1-2. Falcons 0-3.


    sitting on top of nfc south…. go Bucs, fire the cannons

Infamous 95

Mike Evans: 2 catches for 2 yards and 2 Tds 😂😂🔥🔥


    Hes always been a redzone guy, hes been forced to carry the load.

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    @DubraPapi Finally got Gronk involved today. Not sure where Brate is. Nice to see the tight ends get into the game plan. Would like to see the tes used in the red zone more though

Evanflow T.V.

Defense is hot. Fly to the ball. Defensive PRESSURE is what brings titles.

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    The O isn’t even close to clicking yet and still putting up 4 tds a game. This team will be scary good 2nd half of the season. With the div struggling that makes it easier

    Mickey Finn

    The o line is goina get brady killed

    Evanflow T.V.

    @Mickey Finn that is where the running game comes in. Balance the challenge. Up to the coaches: gameplan

R Martini

Great Game Tommy Boy!!! & Bucs!!!😊😊

M Mac

My pops coached for 47 years and he said the best teams were always significantly better after halftime. Bucs need to curb stomp teams like this. They’re a top 10 team right now but that’s it.


Tom is great but keep in mind the million reps he has in another playbook. Give the guy a little time man!

Wiser Wiser

look for them being a contender the next 4 years.


Pats Fan here, My man Brady, Go Bucs.

Harshil Patel

Hopefully Godwin is okay

David Zzz

Tom “icing on the cake” Brady!

John Fellows

I would never want to play for Bruce. He’s a very tense guy

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    For an NFL HC he’s laid back

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    Parcells, Gibbs, Laundry, Cowher, Lombardi, Belichick, Johnson those were intense coaches.

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