Bruce Arians: Tristan Wirfs ‘Playing at Pro Bowl Level’ | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kurtis Grooms

Go bucssss

Marshalisepic III

He is top 3 and he is a rookie

    Marshalisepic III

    Maybe even the best

Landon Gaming Videos

Ol Brucey Black Frames …Bruce is on da Loose!!!

William Lawrence

O line rookie of the year!!!

Jim D

Bad coach, man.

    Myox Long


    Gee Pinero

    Stop listening to the media he’s a 2 Time coach of the year has 2 super bowl rings as a coordinator and a great overall record as a head coach no one blamed him last year it was all Jameis right? So since Tom Brady’s here it don’t fall on him come on, stop it

    Jim D

    @Gee Pinero The team looks like an ad hoc pick-up game. They never look ready to play. All that talent, they should be world beaters. Bad coach!

Kevin Blake

NO MATTER! TB Bucks and BA were handed the keys to a Ferrari (Brady) and they treat it
like a lawn mower. They have NO IDEA of how to use him- UNBELIEVABLE
WASTE of GOAT and other high end talent. Simply BAD offense scheme /play calling – it makes
me SICK watching the ineptitude! Bucks win IN SPITE of play calling.

Adam Leovick

Embarrassing game that proved to me we are NOT a playoff contender team. I’m a huge bucs fan too before I get the hate but our secondary defense is SOFT!

    Adam Leovick

    @Uwish I hope to go off all the way but we can’t even beat any of the true playoff teams.

    Adam Leovick

    @Uwish no running, no playoff action. Bruce uses toms arm like it’s a game of madden. Rojo runs for 200 yards and touches the ball 6 times the next week??!??


    @Adam Leovick OMG you really work for them!!!!! oh my, could I, could I get some more intel about how working for them gives you a better understanding of how football fans react to wins and loses?? Could you tell me what kind of chemistry you have with the head coach and football players??? like I’m really, really interested in how you would know more about football than i do because you work there. please enlighten me… (gtfoh you narcissist)

    Adam Leovick

    @Uwish just stick to playing video games for hours hahaha.

    Adam Leovick

    @Uwish football intelligence lol, not fans reacting to Ls or Ws I’ll save that for you. Who do you know that’s a narcissist? Don’t be scared of us lol

Art Frank

Bruce you and your coaches should just go away do everybody a favor and just go home and quit coaching football.

    Pump Prodigy

    No you toxic fans should do us a favor and be quiet

Jeff Artabasy

Why does Jenna get to ask TWO LONGWINDED QUESTIONS?

dudley third

Lol he is red like that Buccaneers flag on the wall.

    Chad Reeves

    Tampa Tan

    Anthony Davis

    Sun beats you up down here in Florida

the truth

Bruce hype over last game we still got work to do fix it


Wirfs is a beast!! Clutch pick In the trade no doubt

Lena Hedger

Again I love this kid!! A true professional and no BS just doing his job.

Jim D

If you can beat anybody, you should beat everybody. The difference is coaching. Bad, in this case.


BA is the weakest part on the team.

Anthony Davis

Once Bucs start clicking on all cylinders they will be one of the best teams in the league

    Tyler Carson

    Little late for that I mean
    Maybe next year but they should have been fireing on all cylinders weeks ago always next year Brady will be 44 though but with protection i think he will be okay win a 7th and RETIRE on top


Fire Bruce arians simple


Tristan wasn’t a sexy pick but it start’s in the trenches and he has been solid AF for a rookie he will only get better

Neha Sharma

The annoying earthquake perioperaively film because cent alternatively whistle from a amuck pantyhose. marvelous, wealthy tv

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