Bruce Arians on Patrick Mahomes & Chiefs Offense | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
stéphane A

When Bucs offense plays to TB12 strenghts : 7-0
When TB12 forces the ball downfield for that no risk it no biscuit nonsense : 0-4

How is that so hard to understand, Bruce.


    The games he’s 7-0 the opposing defenses get basically 0 pressure on Brady. Panthers (2x), Broncos, Chargers, Packers, Raiders, Giants all rank in the bottom % of the league in generating pressure with 4. All 4 losses have something in common, they all can stop the run and get pressure on the QB with 4 and have really good 2nd and 3rd level cover guys..

    stéphane A

    @VENOMRAGEYou have a good point but what do you need to do when you know BEFORE HAND that the team you’re facing has a great pass rush or when you realize you have difficulties to protect your QB DURING THE GAME? Well, you don’t force the ball downfield, you play more conservative, Brady style, shorter throws when you can get the ball out of your hand quick to tire the defense, runs, and the OCCASIONAL deep shot. Bucs needs to adapt to each opponent, not running the same offense every game.


Those corners you keep defending are going to get roasted….then you will blame tom brady…it looks different in practice because tom is throwing on jameel dean

    Joseph Rojas

    That and I bet he’s not getting hit in under 3 seconds because the bucs dont have a pass rush like that. They have to blitz to bring pressure.

    Josiah Sanchez

    @Joseph Rojas nah we have that typa pass rush just with vita healthy we can still get a pass rush just not a very consistent 4 man rush but we can still rush 4 don’t get it twisted bro

Joseph Rojas

“We’ve been pretty good for a long time” – Bruce Arians last 3 years as head coach –

7-8-1 28 tds 17 ints
8-8 21 tds 18 ints
7-9 33 tds 30 ints

Right now they’re 7-4 25 tds 9 ints

It’s time to give it up to Tom Brady.

    Michael Ant

    Brady’s the GOAT. Hope he steps up Sunday and upsets the Chiefs

Tampa Arise

In order to beat Kanas City our offense are gonna have to run the ball effectively and pass successfully on 3rd downs and score touchdowns EVERY time no field goals and don’t risk putting the ball in harm’s way of getting picked off basically follow the raiders offensive game plan and put up over 40 points and for our defense they gotta do to Patrick Mahomes what they did to Aaron Rodgers and our secondary is gonna have to play lots of man coverage basically follow the defensive game plan from the chargers and especially patriots . we do that successfully we will beat this team led by that freak of nature of a quarterback then I’m confident we go undefeated the rest of the way finishing at 12-4

    stéphane A

    The defense can’t do what they against Rodgers because Mahomes has weapons everywhere. That’s the problem. Rodgers only had Adams who just got back.




Bruce u wants to get the credit for this team that its his offense if they win. Of course TB will not gonna oppose coz he said it, he’s a player and BA the coach. So every time TB style offense hes like??? I called it ego BA. He doesn’t want a ring he wants him as him. TB is really good on what he does.

Harshil Patel

How hard is it to realize when you do what Brady is comfortable with Bucs win games

Ron Jackson

If they don’t get pressure on Patrick mahomes he is going to carve them up


Bench tom. Your system doesn’t fit him.

Q Kellz

Look everybody Brady has played bad the last month atleast stop making excuses for him

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