Bruce Arians on NFC Championship Win, Super Bowl Berth | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Roseanne Walker

Great job, Bucs! Super bowl he we come.


    Correction: ‘HOME’ SuperBowl here we come

Landon Gaming Videos

No risk it no biscuit. – Tom Brady

    Mytown Trill

    No lick it, no stick it. 😄

    glory daze

    That was an Arians quote

    Kelvin Barber

    Too many risk led to 3 interceptions. You cant do that against the Chiefs.


    @Kelvin Barber – Two of those picks were the same as punts. The other was tipped.

    Larry Newingham

    @Kelvin Barber I mean it worked though didn’t it 🤷‍♂️


And just like that, Tomw Brady has taken over the NFC

    The Bear Minimum

    So much for “buT tHe AFc leASt”….

    The Bear Minimum

    @Gamin’ with Vice haha took my comment lol

    bass reemer

    @Jim V I don’t have a mare in the race- I just call it like I SEE IT…TB would be out but all the Brady minutia is a real good deal for the NFL to pass up…

    bass reemer

    @Benny Bizzness Andy Reid- the best HC in football will finally put the 43 yo egomaniac and the rest of the cheating TB PRETENDERS out in the yard to graze…

    Jim V

    @bass reemer Dude you are so deluded. You think this is rigged? Bet you believe the earth is flat too. I don’t doubt that the Chiefs win this next game. They should. Brady is 43 years old for crying out loud.

Keon Grant

Let’s go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carter Loves Cars


Stuart Coupe

Don’t be throwing it away second half Tom.

    Matt Zach

    Tom knows what he’s doing. 2 of those picks were basically punts.

Malekith The Witch King

Brady may ruin the Bills season yet again

    Brandon Stephens

    What a great goal lol they just can’t get away from Brady! 😂

    Ricky !!!!!

    Thats what i was thinking

    Jhaowei Chen

    They not making it( I mean bills


    The Bills are choking as we speak… 21 KC – 9 Buf

    Special Agent Johnny Utah

    Would’ve been really fun


Brady played great first half, Defence stepped up big in the 2nd half ! Great win, balanced team! Firing on all cylinders!


    Not a great game by Brady.
    However I would say a less experienced guy would likely panic after a few of those plays. Brady got back in and kept his head down.


    @goalie2998 2 of the picks weren’t even Brady’s fault though. Had a few dropped passes. Honestly didn’t play that bad


    @goalie2998 – Brady did not play badly despite the picks. Two of them were harmless and the other was tipped.


    @AlphaLimaEcho875 – Two of those picks were the same as punts from that field position.

Lona Doyle

I got the outcome I wanted.. Congratulations to the Buccaneers.. Bringing it home for the Super Bowl..Gronk and Brady are Bad Boys for life.


    Gronk had only 1 catch.
    But it was a big one.

    Lona Doyle

    @goalie2998 Only one Catch and he blocked like a beast..I think the world of him. I love you Gronk Bros..Tell Papa Gronk I tried to respond fast enough so I could meet and say.. Would’ve loved to have a chance to meet him on Live video..The Man that started it all..He must be so proud of you guys..!

P Pumpkin

That TD before the half was a difference maker.

    fetty _wap_goat

    Just be happy king sold

    Donald Zuramp

    @fetty _wap_goat we are happy king suks

    Matt Zach



    The missed 2 point conversion was as big imo

    Ellendale D


Michael saucier

Bill said “ we’re moving on to next year”


I can’t wait to see undisputed in the morning LOL.


    Can’t wait to hear marble mouth Shannon make excuses. Him and Max Kellerman and Rob Parker the Tom Brady haters.

    Eric McPherson

    @Ricky !!!!! Brady and the offense scored 31 points and the win…. haters can’t say nothing about OLE GOAT BRADY!!!!

    Daniel Castro

    Me too I cant wait to watch undisputed

    Mr. Smith

    Cry Shay Cry! Watch His Bottom Lip xD

    King Gemini

    He gave him a D smh

Rick Foss

So Brady knocks out two of the best Quarterbacks of his era on his way to the SB. Both of which had just as good of teams! But the haters still won’t give him the credit he deserves.


    @Riley Garcia – How exactly does Rodgers play way better but the Bucs D won the game? Two of Brady’s picks were the same as punts. That’s why he tossed them up to see if his guys could fight for them. The other one Evans tipped up.

    Benny Bizzness

    @Kern Albert Shannon Sharpe, Rob Parker, Max “the cliff” kellerman, Tony Dungy….off the top of my head.

    Kern Albert

    @Benny Bizzness All said Brady was the GOAT….

    Sup ,dawg!

    Ints hurt but this is why this is a complete team!


    @Sup ,dawg! – They don’t hurt when you’re on your 45 or so and the other guy picks it on their 25 or 30. It’s about the same as a punt from that spot that goes in the EZ. Brady took a risk on two of them because he knew a pick would be about the same as a punt. He plays chess.

Git Gud

It’s loud here in Tampa tonight. I don’t know how this guy just does it but he just does it and he just does it again and again and again.

    Jean David Nau

    Happy for the city of Tampa!! Have a good time with it. Go Buccaneers!

    Git Gud

    @Jean David Nau Thanks for the support man. Looks like us vs KS!!

    bass reemer

    He “did it” by the graces of the NFL. GB coach received a nice bonus from the NFL by kicking an illogical FG instead of going for obvious TD. TB played ok but GB just gave the game away to garner higher tv ratings…business

    Kelvin Barber

    @bass reemer would the GB coach receive a nice bonus from the the NFL if they had won?

    bass reemer

    @Kelvin Barber He is too young to win now…but over time he will be around in the ‘coaches carousel’ for years so he will be financially ok- the NFL will have a job for him and “eventually” he will to to a SB like Bruce Arians who is an “NFL lifer” coach…


Just protect Brady…one more time.


You *know* Shannon is going to be talking those picks Tom had and nothing else.


    Shannon is irrelevant…Bucs won period…Brady gave Bucs incentives..
    faith in themselves throughout this whole season…Bucs were always
    an excellent team….Brady…let them know it…”The Tampa Bay Buccaneers”
    go Bucs!!!


    @Matt Zach this exactly

    Tony G

    Yeah he’ll ignore the fact that Brady had a stellar 1st half that made up for the picks in the 2nd half.

    Miles Gentry


    King Gemini

    @Hanio Zuniga Nope a D he’s a big hater

Sherubim Raist

Skip: Told you, Shannon, Brady is the goat.
Shannon: Skiup, I give him a 4-

Brad Brinegar

Tom brady has officially tied Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers for NFC championships.

    Jason Mal

    @Ken Sturm You’re a brainwashed troll. Aww.. You hear Skip call the tbr sucaneers because he has an agenda and you follow. Like a troll. Think for yourself.

    taylor granstaff

    Jason Mal how can you argue stats and wins and clutch? How can you watch him and say ehh he’s good not great. He’s the G.O.A.T and its not even close

    Ken Sturm

    @Jason Mal Get out of mummy’s basement and quit trolling sites starting trouble kid, get a job

    Fitness Guru

    And it took them how long? He did it in his first year!😂🤣

    Ken Sturm

    @Fitness Guru Who’s “he”


Tom Brady after he left the Pats – “Alright Now, Who wants to go to the Super Bowl?”

Random Guy

I’m not a fan of Tom Brady but I want to see him win a championship with Tampa.

Daily Dose Of Internet

Let’s goooooo



    quin jet

    SEE YA

    Monster Mon

    PogU Daily Dose!

    Diego Le Maitre

    Your a Bucs fan??! EYYYY

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