Browns vs. Ravens Postgame Analysis | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

If Berry doesn’t intervene now and have Stefanski give up the play calling, then they are packing it in at this point.


    Play calling was the last issue tonight

    Dom Rick

    @CancelAnime no it was are primary issue actually


    @Dom Rick Primary issue was the play makers failing and dropping passes..

    J B

    No coaching was terrible. Look no further than the 12 men on the field penalty. Terrible play calling and game management


    I think this is a discussion that needs to be had. And why do we keep sending Baker out there when he is 50% healthy?

Douglas Hickel

Defense played great. Offense couldn’t get it going.


Defense carried us.. Run game was awful and non existent.. Receivers and Tight Ends cannot catch and generate Separation.. Baker played good enough to win and he’s an easy scapegoat for the blame of this loss..

    Nathan Akomeah

    Run game was awful because the ravens game planned for it did you see how many defenders they had in the box for chubb alone


    @Nathan Akomeah yes then why can’t we exploit that in the passing game?

    All 3 of our running backs have been great this year. It should free up something in the passing game

    Nathan Akomeah

    @Buk I have no idea why we couldn’t truth be told

    Ramon Rivera

    If you think Baker played well enough to win you’re on drugs 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Browns fans are in denial

Adam Mosser

I would not pay Baker until after next season cause he is being a problem for our team to win when he is pressured.

    Jay Taylor

    He can’t do much if receivers don’t get open, and when they are open they drop the ball! Other than the defense and Landry, *EVERONE* played terrible.

Dom Rick

Stefanski should be fired for that jarvis landry fumble play


    He’s not gonna get fired we know it even if you want it..


Offense, absymal. Defense, lights out. 10 points from 4 INT??! Hold this L tightly


In a game where both Defenses are playing lights out, you need playmakers to make plays. Stefanski made the decision to leave Hollywood Higgins off the squad. He would have made the difference even a TD difference. He would have made those tough catches to keep drives alive. I don’t understand the disconnect with Stefanski and Higgins. Who cares he can’t run a fast 40, all he does is catch footballs. If I would been Hollywood I would have left the team once Coach made me a healthy scratch on the most important game of the year already down 2 receivers .

Josh Markota

This is actually harder to watch than years past. We have the players, and we put this kind of showing. 4 int’s with only 3 points to show. This team has sooooo much to work on it’s sad. At lest years past I knew they would suck, with on expectations. This is just cruel at this point.

    William Anthony

    Mayfield is playing injured and shows it. Stefanski gave up on the running game. Defense did their jobs. The Ravens are about to lose their next two in a row, and it STILL won’t help the Browns! Maybe Cinci can take the north.

    Josh Markota

    @Chris Volkert I agree. On must games the Offense can score somewhat. Like the chargers game, and the cardinals game. The D needed to step it up there. It’s usually when the D is on point, the O isn’t, and Vice versa. They need to get on the same page.

    Josh Markota

    @William Anthony I agree. He is playing hurt, and we need to run the dam ball. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
    But if Bake can’t play hurt, then pull him out. At this point I think he’s hurting the team more than helping.

    Muni’s Life

    @Chris Volkert my man this was a a,along defensive game


    @William Anthony Right They’ve Lucked Their way to 8-3 🙄


Baker and play calling suck! Kareem wide open on that fumble play…. 12 men on the field consecutively…. 4 ints by the opposing QB 0-37 all time, welp now 1-37…………


The defense’s effort was Super Bowl worthy. The offensive play calling and execution…..😤

    Aames World

    Defense was awesome and offense was trash. How great is that

Martin Jackson

The Browns called timeout because they had 12 men on the field then came out the timeout with 12 men on the field


    Stefanski isn’t sure what to think about that but he’ll get back to us once he watches the tape.


    That was just unbelievable. The Browns coaching staff should be embarrassed.


Hey Nathan.
Please stop apologizing for this aweful team. If you cant say what needs to be said without being reprimanded have some lackey do this. This looks bad as you cannot criticizize the staff or team. Keep it up, but be honest please.

Dailey Outdoors

Did anyone really expect anything else…
been a month now since the offense showed up

Cinnamon Rolls Every Day 🤔💭

Not having 50 yards rushing when you average 155 might have something to do with your loss 🙄

    Gregory Libra

    And counting to 11

Johnny Tyler

This team has more problems than I can count but as far the offense goes, the biggest problem is BY FAR our Offensive Line. Specifically the Tackles. Blake Hance may be trying his best but he has NO BUSINESS playing Right Tackle. He’ll win his matchup maybe once every four or five snaps. The rest of the time he’s getting embarrassed by whoever is lined up opposite him. Unfortunately for Baker and this entire team and franchise, the BIGGER problem right now is Jedrick Wills. He looks so, so, SO bad. It’s not an exaggeration at all to say that we could be looking at Andrew Berry’s first draft bust…and to have your 10th overall pick Left Tackle end up being a total draft bust is DEVASTATING to a team. Wills got abused so badly tonight that every pass-rusher who lined up against him should be arrested and charged with assault or attempted murder.

On LITERALLY THE VERY FIRST SNAP OF THE FINAL DO-OR-DIE DRIVE, Wills got absolutely DEMOLISHED by the D-Lineman to the point that Baker already had a defender in his face when the snap reached his hands. He had ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE to even THINK about throwing a pass on that snap and it was only Baker’s “win-at-all-cost” mentality that saved that play from turning into a game-ending 2nd and 25. Baker fought against a defender that had him wrapped up and was dragging him to the ground just to get his arm free so he could throw that ball away and not take the game-ending sack. I don’t care what ANYONE says…Baker hasn’t been given a chance to “prove” that he’s a franchise QB this season because his O-Line has played so poorly. PFF and others have been slobbing on our O-Line’s knobs all season long. This O-Line looked great early in this season but they’ve absolutely fallen off a CLIFF since then.

Wills looks worse than Greg Robinson out there at Left Tackle. Bitonio has pretty much beenextension

    Craig Cundiff

    Totally agreed… pro football focus and others have the offensive line hyped up to be this great line but whenever the Browns get beat like this… and like the Pittsburgh Steelers did.. it’s because the offensive line gets bullied…
    and the receivers and tight ends are getting hit in the hands and they’re not fighting for those receptions

Jessica Maxiell

Shoulda kept Greg Williams as Head Coach!!!!!Dorsey ruined us!!!

Mark W

They spent the whole offseason building a team to beat the Ravens… nice job.

Gregory Libra

If Stefanski gave up play calling, he would have time to observe his team, which can’t count to 11. If they make changes, it’s going to take the power guy (.money-ball guy).in Haslam ear.

jesse rosado

Keenum would have beat the Ravens… They didn’t respect Baker and stacked the box to take away the run and they were right. Baker showed the same thing four games in a row now. Too hurt to make something happen

Tom George

I hope that 6 weeks from now we are all saying, WOW, they did it! GO BROWNS!

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