Browns vs. Ravens Postgame Analysis | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Evan Thompson

couldn’t watch the game how did jedrick look?

    Mark Anthony Barnes

    @Jacob.Infinte7 AND? It doesn’t matter! That guy is not what they said he was! Joe Thomas is a TV personality and screwed us talking Wills Jr up!

    Chris Injeian

    As a ravens fan pretty decent he is a rookie tho so give him time

    Mark Anthony Barnes

    @Chris Injeian so ravens can continue to dominate? It was obvious during camp we should have traded for Trent Williams.

    Chris Injeian

    @Mark Anthony Barnes even with trent it wouldnt win the game let alone make it closer. Tbh having as many weapons as they do and not scoring can’t be blamed two years in a row on oline and head coach without other players being involved

    Jason Pintur

    Beaten and hurt

Corn Pop was a Bad Dude

Coaching was awful! The fake punt inside your own 30 yardline was a tribute to Freddy Kitchens. Cut the kicker also.

    jm A

    @Edward Gaines 😂

    Josh Thomas

    Kicker was the only consistent offense last season. Give him a pass today.

    Ravens Fan4

    Excuses lol. Faker MayFAILED is trash

    Torey Sinclair

    If Sendejo makes his block on the fake punt then its a first down. If you wanna blame coaching for anything its our defense for getting gashed by Lamar in literal seconds

    Jason Pintur

    Trade OBcantcatch for a KICKER

Jesse Sparks

It’s so hard being a browns fans I have seen alot of bad browns team through out the years but I don’t see how they do so bad with the talent they got

    Chris Injeian

    @Jesse Sparks lol baker is the reason he has had multiple coaches. If the browns weren’t stupid they would have watson playing QB for them and not a 5″10 QB


    Chris Injeian if ur gonna be a short qb u gotta be mobile like Russ or kyler Murray. Baker just stands in the pocket then people like Calais Campbell who’s 6’8 will smack it down

    Chris Injeian

    @mjay flacco led the league in batted passes one year so height doesn’t equal batted balls but being able to see thru passing lanes plus being mobile means everything when you under 6ft without godly accuracy like brees

    Terrance Pickens

    The browns just flat out sucks always has dont know how yall fan aint use to them sucking its nothing new

    Chris Injeian

    @Terrance Pickens im a ravens so I don’t care about baker. The browns in whole have been crap for so long I don’t even know at this point besides QB what there problem is

mundy Musgrove

They really did look bad all phases of the game. Very disappointing.

    Jason Pintur

    What game were you watching? Myles and Landry looked ok. go Browns!!


Postgame Analysis: We got smacked.

Dru Lemick

The Browns suck all of the fun out of football. Did not even watch the second half.

    Michael B


    Jake Lozano

    I took my afternoon nap 5 min in the 3rd qtr.


    So true! This felt just like game 1 last year. All excited for the season to start but just end up depressed. You know things are bad when the most fun you have is the off season

    Edward Gaines

    @Jake Lozano Afternoon nap? Is your name Garfield? 😁 But yeah, 3 and 41 is God-awful!

    Brandon Vaughan

    Same. Left the bar at halftime.

Ashley Conver

He missed it lol

    Mike Jones


    J Flytrapper

    Lml “he missed it”

Jason Archambo

38-6 don’t get it twisted 🤣

    Edward Gaines

    Like it matters anyway!


    Homie must’ve been shaking his head too hard whilst attempting to read the scoreboard 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️

Captain Shadow Banned [formerly kasami bracer]

Brown’s D forgot to stop social distancing

kingbey fan


Eric Miller

36 to 8? Man our analyst guy even sucks!!


    Eric Miller 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Sean Kearney


Fumi S

So much talent wasted on this team…

    J M

    Why don’t you think they can put it together?

    90s Jaded

    J M inconsistent

    sheena Pinder

    They need better OC and DC. Mentors. Our guys have good friendships and hangout outside of work! That’s how you build a bond. Thats why the Browns have no chemistry

Jeff Jeffries

“They looked turrrible” – Said, Cleveland Brown.


38 to 6, buddy; get it right.

    Derrick Terry

    If I bet against the browns for the last twenty years I would be a millionaire.

    Charles Banks

    Tell me about it

    reginaldino enchillada


Me Jesse

More front office problems, Browns don’t have a clue, never draft a short quarterback, they rarely pan out!

Dave Orenstein

The only bright spot about being a cleveland browns fan is Nathan Zegura

John Smith

Thank goodness we have a new coaching staff; We’d have lost by 50 with last year’s idiots.

    Jason Street

    doesnt make it any better the play calling was still atrocious

BamBam Bigelow

38-6, that is all that needs explained….

J Silver Bravo

Remember players only come to Cleveland to receive a check not to receive a super bowl ring 💍🤣


That 99 yard drive by Lamar was INSANE! The kid is gifted. Never rattled, just calm and cool.

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