Browns vs. Lions Postgame Analysis | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
DaVita Lynette

Fought for that win and luckily had penalties save us when we needed it! Go Browns!!

    Jonas Music

    Yes! But in the 2nd half we had about 80 yards of penalties, mostly holding, that ruined our drives and that brought us into situations where Baker thought he needed to make a play, but instead failed horribly.
    We really need to talk about the execution and coaching on this team. Stefanski has been bad this season. He needs to get our players ready for the game and it’s his job to make sure that the offense plays clean football, which they obviously don’t.

    S M

    Baker is trash, pay that man Chubb.

    Lindsey Pyle

    Fought for the win? What game were you watching? Lions pretty much handed them the game. Clowns should have scored at least 30.

Ge Mail

A loss was snatched out of our hands … we played horribly.


    You do realize most all of Detroit’s games this season have been like this? They have a hella defense.

Dom Rick

Worst game I have watched all season from baker. Stefanski needs to grow a pair and play Keenum when baker can barely walk or make a throw.

    Daniel Griffith

    Stephanski doesn’t have a pair, seen his play calling?…no sense of momentum, he’s spineless

Connor B

Chubb caught a screen pass for a TD in the playoffs last year.


Penalties and Mayfield killed us today, don’t know how we pulled off the win

    D M

    @Kid Lightning smh

    John Coyne

    referees saved us today

    JoJo White

    I’m not going to lay too much fault with Baker when the offense is set up to run. I saw at least 5 first downs nullified by holding calls on Tretter, Teller, Hance and Harrison Bryant and a block in the back on Teller. Baker is beat up and the Browns need to lean on that running game. Too many times Baker faced first and 20 situations that left running the ball out of the equation. Couple that with the fact that the receiver group is either beat up or just not good and that will kill any offense.

    Kid Lightning

    @JoJo White But I thought Odell was the one killing the offense because he made Baker think to much about throwing him the ball? People kept telling me once they get rid of OBJ then Baker will be free to spread the ball around to all the receivers and the passing offense would take off all of a sudden…yeah right!

Mark Raines

Case needs to start against the Ravens


Still riding with #6 but for his own sake… can the coaching staff please sit him down until he’s at least 90% fit?!! Keenum is one of the best back up QBs in the league… why pay him that much if we don’t trust him to do his job?

Dave Hendren

This may be, I hope, just what the Browns need… a close win over an inferior opponent. If they don’t wake up after almost losing to this team then we have a REAL problem. That being said, we won a game we needed too, good job to the team for pulling it out. Onto Baltimore!

    Lindsey Pyle

    The fact they could only score 13 is embarrassing. I am not a Browns fan at all but that team is a total mess. Stefanski is not a good coach, he couldn’t make adjustments today to score more. They have a really good running game but continue to try and let Faker throw all over the place. One of these days the team and city will see how horrible he is.

    Dave Hendren

    @Lindsey Pyle You aren’t wrong, except for the Stefanski stuff. Let’s hope this is where it’s darkest before the dawn.

All American Veteran AAV

Had that game been against any team other than a 0-8-1 team and we would have gotten our hats handed to us…UGLY GAME, NO WAY WE BEAT division rival ravens like that.NO WAY!!!


    Detroit has played like that all season, their D is very good. I’d say even better than Baltimore’s just look at their numbers

Mac Stone

Man this wasn’t very good game for Browns win or lose. There really struggling right now.

Skip Reed

We’ve heard this over and over again. It’s time to face the facts. Folks, we just ain’t that good.


Did the Browns have a replacement QB starting at QB for them today because he looked like a replacement player during a player’s strike.

Seven7 Mac

A win is a win. Titans and Bills both lost to teams that were expected to beat handsomely


Looks like an 8-9 team in need of coaching changes

Eric Swells

Squeaking by a winless team is pitiful!

Stevie Hennacy

What a game back Nick. Mr saved us big time. Especially when the defense knew he was getting the ball but couldn’t stop him.


Well done, Nathan. Penalties are killing us. Clean it up and we are UNSTOPPABLE.

David Kahoun

This game reminded me of the Eagles win last year. That game turned out to be a big turning point for us.. this could be that for us this season.

Robert Janko

Before the season I wouldve never thought, to see bad games like this. Baker shouldve sat and get well again, but instead he was on the field banged up. Does anybody think, that we will make the playoffs with a injured QB?! Plus: I dont understand the playcalling. Penalties are all about discipline and when we play the next games, we cant afford to give away so many plays.

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