Browns vs. Bengals Postgame Analysis | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Gideon Goddard

Fire Depodesta. Analytics have no place in football.
He ruined the Dodgers. He’s ruining us.

    joseph hurst

    Basing decisions on information has no place in football? god that’s hilarious


One of the most undisciplined teams in football. Coaching is way to passive. It’s hard for me to keep supporting Stefanski. He’s not utilizing any of his play makers. He can scheme up some plays but can’t maximize our talent 😢

    Art Van Kampen

    Yes, it’s emotionless football.


We gave up Baker for this ? Why……it’s costing the team 230 million dollars for someone that hasn’t played in 2 years, still no offense line. AND and we gave up 6 draft picks for what, this! No I’m so done with Browns/Clowns! 😡

    Christopher Volkert

    Watson should be playing better than this is like he is deliberately playing bad to me?

    Chad Tucker

    @Edward Gaines If we promise to miss you. Will you go away too?? Crying every single thread. Don’t you get tired of listening to yourself? You are exhausting. I feel for the people who have to deal with you daily.

    The Dope and The Dealer.

    @Christopher Volkert are yall slow???? He played well to be back from being missing for 2 years! Baker has a horrible season!

    Christopher Volkert

    @The Dope and The Dealer. Mayfield was injured and playing with a torn labrum that was why he went 8-9 these guys are not hurt and I bet we won’t even win 8 games.

    Bobby Reynolds

    I didn’t like the Browns mortgaging their future for Watson either, but I don’t think it’s fair to judge his performance on just two games.

OnlyOne Zay

Anyone blaming Watson didn’t actually watch the game. Penalties KILLED us !

    Bryan Stiver

    @abdul smith you are a Watson water carrier

    Frank Womer

    2 games, one TD ,2 pics, idk how many batted passes, sacks….same Ole crap

    Edward Gaines

    @Bryan Stiver Watson held the ball so long he probably thought it was a massage therapist!

    OnlyOne Zay

    @Edward Gaines booooooo yo jokes lame like you

    Tim Michaels

    @Edward Gaines
    You’re just jealous 😁

Daniel D

Y’all are crazy for wanting to jump ship now lol. Deshaun showed great signs and was MILES better from week to week. This is the preseason. We need guys like DPJ, Bell, Coop and Njoku to get used to his style of play so we can hit the ground running with a healthy O-Line next year. Those of us that are realistic knew this was gonna be a rough season once the suspension got extended. Get Deshaun back in form, get another receiver, get a couple players for the front of the defense, get rid of Woods and Priefer, and you’re in position to make a run in 2023. Now if you suck next year… that’s another story 🥴

    Edward Gaines

    How are they gonna rebuild this team with no 1st round draft picks? It’s looking more and more like Cleveland got ripped off, just like the Broncos did with Russ.

    Devonne Mallory

    @Edward Gaines it doesn’t look like that. He definitely doesn’t look like Russell and they can still get players. Don’t be a prisoner of the moment! Watson will prove to be the best quarterback we ever had!

    Warren Kemmer

    y’all said he was top 5. 10 points unacceptable

    Devonne Mallory

    @Warren Kemmer he hasn’t played in almost two years!🙄

    Daniel D

    MJ Emerson -3rd round pick
    DPJ – 6th round
    David Bell and James Hudson have been key contributors and will only get better with more opportunities next year. Both late round picks. I know it’s easy to hate on this team right now because they’ve had bad luck and have underachieved. But I believe in the people in charge unlike in the past.

The Mad Cleveland Browns fan

The Browns can finish the season 10-8 still won’t be good enough to make it to the playoffs. With Kevin Stefanski as coach though…won’t win next week calling inconsistent plays against a Superbowl winning coach. Something has to change or nothing changes Go Browns 🟫🟧

    The Mad Cleveland Browns fan

    RC Collins  9-8 or 10-8 don’t matter if you can’t put a complete game together

    The Mad Cleveland Browns fan

    Frank Womer  hard truth correct

    The Mad Cleveland Browns fan

    Andrew Stacy  do you actually believe in this team how inconsistent they are playing

    Edward Gaines

    At this rate the Steelers will finish with a better record than the Browns again.

    RC Collins

    @The Mad Cleveland Browns fan agreed, just correcting the math.

Christopher Okicki

Browns, I encourage:
Focus on the present moment
Have unconditional love for the organization and people apart of it.
We Have everything we need to win the next game.
We Play together to win.

abdul smith

100 yards in penalties 😳


I feel bad for Nathan. Id be cussing and telling it how it really is


Most undisciplined team I’ve ever seen.

edward czulewicz

That early fourth and one call was ridiculous bringing in Brissett you have Chubb Hunt and Watson and you do that Stefanski’s problem is he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and it usually backfires against him plus 100 yards in penalties is lack of DISCIPLINE which falls directly on COACHING I’m 66 years old and haven’t seen a Browns championship since I was 7 years old and watched them beat the Baltimore Colts 27-0 I always say I’ll be on my DEATHBED when they finally make it to the Super Bowl 😫😫😫😫😫 i wish Haslam would sell the team because he’s a LOSER us long suffering fans deserve better

    Social Assassin

    Just take the points. It’s our first drive of the game on the road. He did it in the Atlanta game and in another game earlier this season. Pisses me off,

Donald Rump

My favorite thing Nathan said “In Week 2 for Watson” no that statement would be great after the jets game, but unfortunately we are in December in this tire fire of a season. No accountability, no culture and no care for being Cleveland browns. My suggestion. Find a coach and people who take deep pride in playing for this team.

    O.G Embrace

    🙏🏾 Stefanski to nonchalant for me while we pulling our hair out he lookin at his play sheet 📖 🤦🏾‍♂️

Lucas C

Said it before, saying it again, will say it in the future … you’re one of the few bright spots with this organization, Nathan. I appreciate your work so much. You’re such a nice guy and you add great analysis during the radio broadcasts, really doing A-plus work in the booth that I didn’t know you could do. You deserve a winner on the field as much as any of us do.

Wmstacey Butts

Good summary
Seems like should have been Browns 17- Bengals 10

Penalties killed us


    Always blaming the refs 🤦‍♂️


    @BengalsHead Do you know how to read? OP said penalties killed us. browns players had to commit the penalties for them to be called. Nowhere does this blame the refs. Illiterate bengals fan very little surprise there

tommy estepp

I’m done for the year. Waste of time and money. I hope they plenty of empty seats rest of home games left. FarmTeam 101 at it’s best. Berry has ruined this franchise killed our draft set us back. Will never overcome this deal. When you get good enough to make a run the NFL will jerk the rug out from underneath…. Same Ol Brown’s. Same Ol NFL. Been one of the worst seasons all around the NFL all together and The Officiating is back to controlling the outcomes once again!!!! Waste of time and money

Leroy Xiong

The Browns still got a little hope for playoff, DW is picking up better than his first game, will see if DW can get it done for next four games


Who actually feels this coaching staff has control of this team? Nobody…need a real coaching staff

Andrew Lykins

Stefanski needs to go. I know constant turnover is not the key to winning, but not having the right guy in there isn’t the key either. He’s clearly in over his head every week


Nathan Zagura here. In unsurprising fashion, Kevin Stefanski clowns himself yet again in a way that seems to be his M. O. this season. Taking out a 230 Million dollar QB in critical down situations and fielding an undisciplined team that gave up over HALF a FIELD length in a single drive that set the stage for another embarassing failure of his offense to start.

Stretch Thinking

The 4th & 1 call with Brissett … How much more data do the Haslam’s need to know it’s time to move on from Stefanski?? That call is Stefanski in a nutshell, his decision making sucks. He is totally in over his head. Go get Sean Peyton!

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