Browns players talk with high school teams about making a difference | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Browns players talk with high school teams about making a difference | Cleveland Browns

Larry Ogunjobi and Charley Hughlett joined players and coaches from Kirtland and Shaker Heights to talk about making a difference in the community as part of the Build The Bridge initiative.Build the Bridge strives to create a coalition of coaches, players, parents, administration and community members to foster the success of student-athletes through social-emotional, educational, and athletic advancement. The program creates opportunities for all team members to build relationships and mutual respect between diverse communities, regardless of their race, class or creed.


Gary Russell


Polxr FN


Serge Bawa


Scott O

Police brutality starts with a 911 call. Cut the crime rate there will be less interaction. Simple. Stop promoting thug life start promoting the bible or whatever religion you choose. Its nice the guys reached out but start at the source not the outcome. ✌

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