Browns Looking to Go 2-0 vs. #1 Ravens in 2019 | 2 Minute Drill – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

They were supposed to be us the last time too and we know how that ended.

    Adam Letschin

    Please.. Stop being a homer.. Ravens win big 40-17

    Charles Pinkett

    The browns was suppose to beat the cardinals Broncos and Steelers we know how that went. Browns are trash. Easy win for the ravens

    J Foster

    @Charles Pinkett wasn’t easy the first time

    Charles Pinkett

    It will be easy this time.

YouTube that who created YouTube

Hopefully the browns are on tv this time

Marbri 5

Lets goooooo for the winnnnn

CookieCJ 74

Les go Browns!

Tranquility Base

The Browns just need to play pissed off. They’ve got nothing else to lose. Except maybe their dignity.

    Luis Lopez

    Tranquility Base the players have nothing to be pissed off about. They already gave up.

Arnold Davis

Not going to happen with Freddy making play calls defense sucks to Ravens 48- browns 9

    Luis Lopez

    Arnold Davis who told u we scoring? Lol

Charles Pinkett

Is he talking about the same browns team that lost to the cardinals last week

    Jerry Obrien

    Ravens have a lot to play for. a bye and 10 game streak and they can take off the PITT game. Browns will have to score more then 30
    One thing is certain if browns play like last week the BOO birds will not be happy. Nick Chubb is all pro. He looks like Ray Rice

    Paul Beduhn

    @Jerry Obrien

    Ray Rice? Good grief!

    Jerry Obrien

    ray rice has superbowl ring which will never
    happen to the cleveland clowns
    i will really enjoy sundays browns
    massacre. only team without winning
    record this decade.
    one joke after another
    baker manziel
    get out of town laundry, almost gone beckham

William Paul

Putting it together for the Browns seems to be a lost cause. Just do not see it happening. No glue.

Omar Pasha

The Browns forgot last week that a team with a losing record gets desperate for a win at the end of the season. They will play their hearts out to beat you! And, that is why the Cardinals shocked the Browns with their playoff spirited effort! Now, for the Ravens second game this season. Can the Browns beat the Ravens again? Yes! But, it has to be a total Brown effort! The total front line Brown defense has to be a spy on Lamar to watch for his big runs, and stop him! Do that, and you will beat the Ravens again!

    Devin Wilson

    Omar Pasha .00001% chance for a Browns win on Sunday.


I have no hope for winning as long as Kitchens is the coach……..



Paul Beduhn

Lamar Jackson is the poster child for steroids.

Luis Lopez

Players gave up already. Don’t be mad if you see the players out there with no effort.

David Pitts

Did he just say a chance for the playoffs Lol. That’s funny

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