Browns at Ravens Hype Video (Week 1) | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Gordon Graham

Go Browns!

Jimbo Ritner

XMAS MORNING! GO BROWNS! We break our winless opener streak today!!!!

    Jake Equality

    That didn’t go to well huh?… Baker is a punter

    John Schmidt

    You broke the streak alright!!!!!! Chumps

Derrick Talbert

Go browns… sshhhh

Sam Joughin

Inject this into my veins

Kids Dawson

i cant sleep bc ima too excited so ima stay up all night go browns!

    Sean Perkins

    Lmao same




    Ikr . We have a great chance to beat them

17th State Fishing

Let’s go brownies let’s win this

winiest Flyer

Boys today is either gonna be amazing or another Sunday 🤣

    Stan ezen

    Lmao same for us

    winiest Flyer

    Stan ezen 🤣🤣🤣

    Stan ezen

    Browns win 34-26

    Falcons win 31-28

    Fingers crossed

    winiest Flyer

    Stan ezen we can only hope lol let’s see if ur right

shyguythe 13th

Ya I know I had such a hard time sleeping last night

Dan 1031

If we win imma be jumping until Thursday, and than I will keep jumping until Sunday, and I will keep jumping forever

Mr Pickle

It’s almost game time and so excited to see the Browns and our new head coach get a win today. In stefanski we trust.

VCJ 27

Coming from a Giants fan. Please let Odell prove why he’s still the Best Receiver In The League! 🤙

    John Schmidt

    He sucks,over paid diva !!! Cut him

Emmanuel Ray

Every year we lose the first game so I won’t be hyped at all until I see a W

Dustin Halter

I’m done letting these fools ruin my weekends

Ron deezzee

Mayfield needs a warm spot on the bench!!! We have toooooo many weapons at every freaking position to be losing.

Jake Equality

Lmao.. Did y’all really think you were gonna beat the almighty Ravens with a punter like Baker at QB?????

John R.

Do you have a “deflate video” starring Austin Siebert?

Sonya Nutter

Time to stop trying to make BM a prime time QB, he’s a backup. Holds the ball too long and shows no sign of changing…

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