Browns at Patriots Game Day Hype Video | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Justin Betsch

We need this game boys let’s goooo!!!!!!

    Tailgater !

    Need every game


    @Tailgater ! yea we do it will be a challenge we are going to see one of our best players out of the game today and de Ernest Johnson is going to have to do run game

    Edward Gaines

    Don’t worry. Big Benny has Covid, so maybe they lose to the Lions. Maybe.

Big Chungus

Let’s do it again brownies


Let’s go do it all

Kris Verzwyvelt

Let’s go DAWG POUND πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Terry Putt

Browns gonna get this dub

Marco Lafayette

Let’s Go Browns
Here We Go Browning Her We Go Woo

Joslin Martin

Good morning and go browns

Gregory Libra

Hey we go Brownies, here we go. Woof- Woof!

Roger Mugera

This production team is 10-0, this season

Nicolas Garcia

I want to run through a brick wall!!! LFG BROWNS!!!

Leo Farron

Whoever does these videos, needs a raise.


Today is the day that we beat the Patriots in New England. Complementary Football fellas.

theGod black

Peace to all. Stop making the game longer & more difficult than it already it needs to be. No need to throw the ball 50 times vs a top 10 coverage defense. Keep it simple, run the rock & stick with it. No giving up after 6 tries. Please stop throwing the ball EVERY 3RD DOWN. WTF? Peace

    theGod black

    Welp, 6 carries 62 yards & we’ve given up on the run already. I really need AVP to call the damn plays. This is stupid at this point. To hell with helping the defense out. Let’s continue to throw picks & empty sets on 1st down. Slap urself stefanski


    Crap show again. Straight down the field one time and then abandon it.

    theGod black

    @LuthAMF Peace to you. Unfortunately, this is a pattern. It helps the defense out none. 10 three & outs it’s like why even get a turnover? To punt it? Peace

Bryce Miller Outdoors

Lets GOOOO!!!

Edward Gaines

The Pats are gonna stop our run game cold just like the Steelers did. Baker has to use David Njoku and Hollywood Higgins more to win. *Somebody’s gotta step up!*

    #OR26 πŸ’«

    They didn’t step up.

Wyatt Speeth

🐢 Let’s Go Browns 🐢

Randall Thomas

Baker my stomach’s starting to knot up

Artemis Necrosis

Theres always next season

things happen40

Lombardi trophy to anyone to predict at least 5 press conference answers after Brady 1.2 & Pats drub us.

Kevin The Fox

Got Blown out Thanks Browns

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