#BroncosCamp Daily Recap: Taking big steps – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Tell Sutton that he still owes me wings

Sacred Reaper

Love the Broncos ✊🏽


    Me to 🤝✊

Nolan Pahmahmie

More micd up. We don’t wanna listen to yLl


    Get out of here. I definitely like to hear him, he’s the reason why I watch this.

    Nolan Pahmahmie

    Brix2You oh ok. That’s why there’s so many views. Gotcha 👍🏽


    @Nolan Pahmahmie Does it matter how many views there is tbh, it’s just the fans who want to keep up with the bronocs.

Whats Knew

We definitely need to run the ball to be successful. I would love to see some 6 offensive lineman formations to help run the ball. Maybe get Netane on the field to push people around.

Kung Fu Junkie

Sydney Jones is a beast i seen her go in on Adam Schefter in a interview when he said he’s not on the Broncos Bandwagon.

Joshua Rodriguez

Wassup with Chubb

William Elliott

Lindsey/Gordon will be great. On me!

M Albelbeisi

Broncos Denver 🇺🇸🤗🌹

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