#BroncosCamp Daily Recap: Social injustice, police brutality remain a focus as team returns to field – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Comments on recent Broncos videos about social injustice and police brutality show that there is a big problem in our society that we need to address. Crazy how all these people come out of the woodwork to post hate on videos trying to bring everyone together. All these racist and bigoted posts I have never seen that username comment on videos before.

    Jeff Wingham

    Grow up and start using your real name, stop being a keyboard warrior.


    That’s Colorado man under cover racist in this state. How are you racist but cheer for people of color in a sport? I will never understand that.

    Kevin Jones

    Oh yes, all these racists who put their support behind a team made up of probably 90% black people. How stupid can you be dude?

    Sidepiecetre 22

    Lmao fax


    Kevin Jones wasn’t the clippers owner racist? Didn’t the panthers owner have race issues? I mean the redskins original owner had slave ties smh you people are dumb as hell. And if people who are racist that support teams why is there so much back lash when they wanna stand up for something like this? Why was Brandon Marshall called the N word when he took a knee to protest?

Kevin Jones

Unbelievably pathetic.

    Sidepiecetre 22

    Like your life

    Wayne Reynolds

    @Sidepiecetre 22 butthurt much???……go ahead and side with the CRIMINALS and THUGS who refuse to obey the authorities

    Sidepiecetre 22

    @Wayne Reynolds Aw little wayne gonna cry

    Sidepiecetre 22

    @Wayne Reynolds Funny how you say criminals who are you to judge again last i checked you aint shi so get that background shi out of here it aint gonna work little boy now run along and go play with your barbie dolls

S Gunner

I support calling out the George Floyd’s death, because that was border-line murder, at least it appears that way, but Jacob Blake was clearly going for something in his car……..what is the cop supposed to do wait until he sees what he has – it might be too late! I’ll take a cop over a felon, with a sexual assault record …….every day of the week!

    Parker Reidy

    @Takisss R Good If that’s the case then tackle him. But I’m of the mindset of to only shoot as a last resort, not as the first option

    Takisss R Good

    @Parker Reidy I thought that was the last option cause he was reaching in the car so they shot they didn’t shoot him the first time they saw him they shot him when they didn’t really have a choice

    Parker Reidy

    @Takisss R Good still had time to pin him to the car before he got close to the door though.

    Takisss R Good

    @Parker Reidy they were trying to grab him tho but he still opened the car door

    Michael Estala

    So we heard all the complaining about cops using chokeholds and how they shouldn’t use them, we have seen cops punch suspects and the same people said that wasn’t ok to subdue someone, so now tasers, they aren’t always effective, so these same people would be complaining if 3 or 4 cops used their tasers and the cops put 100,000 volts of electricity in his arse and he dies from basically touching an open circuit wire. So what is the solution, unfortunately I don’t see one that is going to end well for the country.

    I love the Broncos as much as anyone, but why haven’t we heard any Broncos players or princess James say anything about how to act, where is Blake’s or Floyd’s accountability? From a Mexican ex-police officer!

    Go Broncos.


Focus on your game you have in less than 2 weeks.

Whats Knew

Good job guys keep up the fight for freedom, justice and equality. Way to lead and be the change you want to see. Very proud of you.

Timothy Whitaker

Thanks Melvin I took your advice and educated myself. Don’t fight with cops then reach for weapons in your car!

Michael Pack

Y’all straight up disrespect ther legacy of MLK, who sought change through peace– not violence!

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