Broncos finish 2022 season with big win over Chargers | Broncos Country Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Daevon Perkins

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    Daevon Perkins

    We needed Hackett outta Denver I said that at the beginning of the season rus is to short to play right under center shotgun calls is his strength he’s able to evade the defensive rush or any blitz



Tim H

Big win?…it was a meaningless game for both, strange how we manage to beat the Chargers fairly regularly but now seem to lose regularly to the Raiders. Will be interesting to see who’ll be HC and the impact for next season.

    Kole Bossow

    It was a big win to change the mood in the off season, it showed the team that with a different coach they can win games and be successful on the offensive side, it showed Russell Wilson still has it

    David Burkart

    It was very big to close out a losing season with a win against a playoff-bound division-rival, rather than not winning a single game in division the entire year. I would have preferred a win against the Chiefs, but beating the Chargers is a always a big win in Broncos Country

    Tim H

    @Kole Bossow okay to see the season out with a win is good for morale but come summer when all the hard work and training and pre season games have come and gone this game won’t be in the players memory just looking forwards.

Ace King

I wouldn’t say it was a big win. But it definitely was a rare win because wins are really rare around here since the arrival of Russell Wilson.


    It was a big win! The chargers are a playoff team. You buggin 💯


    Another comment hating on Russ lmao get a life. Dudes commenting on bronco videos saying the same thing lol


    @Misfit5280 Ik right. Russ has shown true signs of the QB he was meant to be the last few games and people still hating.


    @Misfit5280 agreed. Russ has shown great improvement and almost all the blame goes on hacket for not playing to Russell’s strengths and forcing him to play the way he wanted him to.

Ace King

Come on, guys. We beat the backups in the 4th quarter. The Chargers would’ve beaten us if they wanted to. Russ showing flashes here and there, is really unfortunate because he is giving false hope. Russell Wilson is our biggest problem.


    Last two weeks since Hackett got fired Russ had been averaging 3 TDs? What’s your excuse for the Chiefs game then? Did Russ still lol washed then? The last two weeks Russell Wilson looked like Vintage Russ


    Quit being a hater dude, even for positive outlooks bogus fans like you try to weigh this team down. Go Cheer for Drew Lock or whatever you were doing before this

    Northkut Productions

    @Misfit5280 1st string starters got hurt during the game…Mike Williams, Herbert and Bosa…I wouldn’t call these guys 4th stringers lmao…it was s great win for broncos country…..all three were in the game start of the 4th quarter.


    @Northkut Productions what about the Chiefs game then? You know when they were playing all their starters so they can win 1st seed yet they barely beat us by 3 at Arrowhead??

    Nick Beckwith


Mitch McQuesten

I’m thrilled yall are happy with Russell wilson now, cuz us seahawks fans are thrilled with the trade.

    Northkut Productions

    God🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️…why are so many seahawks trolling broncos country? 🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣 i mean…you’ll have relinquish your seahawk colors mmmmmk💁‍♂️🤣🤣

    Nick Beckwith

    living rent free in your head

Darrell Messbarger

Most positive thing to come from the Broncos season…..last game victory gave the Seahawks the No. 5 pick instead of the No.3.

scott smith

Offensive line is garbage

    Amy Bright

    Yeah risner has been flat out awful all year

bill jones

big deal..they went 1&5 in their division…..bottom feeders

marky boy

People in the comments complaining about football who’s never played football


Hackett+Wilson did not work. It was good to see RW play well the last 2 weeks. My sense was that RW was trying too hard to prove he was an elite QB and worth $50M/yr. Hackett may have been trying the same. How could they not figure out how to play to RW’s strengths? They clearly need an elite coach. The continuity and players back from injury will help next year. That said, there is still so much uncertainty with the Broncos. Can they get an elite coach? Who is the real RW (games 2-15 or 16 & 17)? Can they stay healthy?


Wow isn’t that neat guys?

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