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please give jamal his money i love him and dont get rid of darnold please i love him

    Hoodie Hunter

    Jamal has 2 to 3 years left he shouldn’t be begging for money when guys like Mahomes and Watson haven’t gotten paid

    Tyler Thomas Moore

    @Hoodie Hunter In the words of jamal adams “I GOT TIME TODAY!” You CANNOT compare a safety to the most important position in football. Jamal isn’t asking for 40 million per year so lets get that out of the way. You saying he shouldn’t be paid when guys like mahomes and watson haven’t I could EASILY counter by saying he SHOULD get paid when guys like eddie jackson (who plays the same position as jamal) and christian mccaffrey have both been extended making 14-16 million which is HIS PAY RANGE. It’s simple Jamal adams is the best safety in the NFL and he out played his contract. It bothers me that in 2020 people still love pointing the finger at the player like you wouldn’t do THE SAME THING IN HIS SHOES!

    Hoodie Hunter

    @Tyler Thomas Moore you just copy pasted what he said and guess what you can’t compare him to Mahomes and Watson because there more valuable to their team and are leaders and dont bash their teams so everyone can see

    Hoodie Hunter

    @Tyler Thomas Moore Eddie Jackson got paid because he doesn’t have a 1st round tender where they can accept for another year Jackson contract was gonna run out and look McCaffrey was the best Offensive player last year and there whole offense Is around him

Sly11B Enal

Heck yes…..excited for this season!!

Pedro Rezende Damm

Oi god plese Jamal

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