Breaking Down the Chargers Week 3 Loss to the Carolina Panthers | The Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Terrible loss man we could do better

Tate Eiler

Herbert’s the real deal, need better play calling

    Moses israel

    NipTheBarber exactly, HERBET threw 2 picks and he fumbled.. They didn’t .. they are not the same.. They started they’re rookie year and was ready, he started and is not ready.. it’s simple HE IS NOT READY!! Sit Herbert!!

    Moses israel

    NipTheBarber lol did we win or not?? That kick would have took us into overtime not given us a L.. At the end of the day we did win because of Tyrod..He didn’t throw any touchdowns but he didn’t throw any picks and didn’t fumble at all… So yea Tyrod is our starter for a reason.. Coach Lynn is right for saying Tyrod is the starter… coach Lynn is big on the turnover battle, and we lost the turnover battle 2 times with Herbert with his 3 turnovers

    Moses israel

    NipTheBarber I would because if we won by that miracle play I would still say Herbert dam near lost us the game.. Because he ultimately did lose us the game.. Rookie or not he gets no sympathy overhere.. Put Tyrod in the game!!!

Anthony Garcia

Lynn gots to go.

    Manny Mota

    Lynn is a good motivater but horrible at x’s and o’s.

John Muhonen

Let’s get some better play calls offensively and I can see this team still making playoffs with little trouble

    Skillz beastboy

    John Muhonen Yes plenty more games to go

Hidden Unknown

The interception didn’t end the game there was plenty of clock left it was the play calling Lynn is trying to be a run first team, Guess what we don’t have the O line to be a run first team. Lynn has called a run %55 in the 2 games before this one, and he still hasn’t learned. We have receivers, you drafted 2 WRs instead of O linemen so guess what we’re ganna have to use them and be pass heavy

    Moses israel

    Hidden Unknown the 2 games before this one we won one and lost the second because of Herbert and the interception.. Week one we had 150 rush to bengals 122 week 2 we had 183 compared to the super bowl champs 125.. So what are you saying?? Our run was working.. we almost Won both games.. We only lost game 2 Because of Herbert and that pick and we lost game 3 because we didn’t run enough, oh yea and the fact that Herbert threw a pick and a fumble..

    Ernesto Gastelum

    @Moses israel Herbert did throw 47 times but most of that came late in the game when we were trying to catch up. we ran most of the 1st half and rarely passed it

    Hidden Unknown

    Moses israel in game 1 and 2 we had more star players than we did yesterday we had Mike Williams, Bulaga, Ingram, we were missing a lot of players on the field yesterday

    Moses israel

    Ernesto Gastelum lol bro 47 times??? 47 times?? Bro download yahoo sports and look at the play calling he threw the ball a lot.. almost every other play and sometimes back to back.. Wait a minute.. Stat Check!!! He actually threw the ball 49 times and we ran the ball 23 times… check the stats

    Moses israel

    Hidden Unknown all those missing players and we almost still won but we didn’t because of HERBET throwing the ball 49 times with his 2 turnovers


Don’t need excuses about dropped passes, we need Wins. This team has too much talent, and needs to learn to close out games.


⚡ should trade King and get a Linemen that could protect Herbert’s blindside.Herbert,didn’t have enough protection,got hit a bunch of times.bridgewater got sacked one time and didn’t get hit.

Kirk Moore

The 10 game losing streak Panthers took a visit to LOSERSVILLE and were rewarded for their journey with a big fat “W”….

Moses israel

Bro honestly I love my chargers but we honestly have the dummest fan base.. Y’all blame everyone else but Herbert, he gave us Phillip rivers play and y’all say nothing about him.. Y’all blame play calling for running the ball a lot but Herbert threw the ball 47 times.. if Tyrod was playing you guys would just say he sucks put in Herbert, you wouldn’t blame play calling or nothing.. HERBERT IS NOT READY!! Bring back Phillip rivers if you guys are happy with 300 yards a interception and a fumble!!!


    Every time Tyrod plays he gets hurt how is he better? This whole Tyrod should be the QB is a joke. Chargers are built to push the ball down field now all the sudden the whole team needs to change for Tyrod? Lynn is being an idiot. Tyrod should not even be on this team at all.

    Moses israel

    jdl619 lol honestly Tyrod is a little soft, no lie he always getting hurt but he is a good quarterback… Nobody is saying that we are building the team around Tyrod.. Chargers will be herberts team we all know that but right now he needs to sit on the bench and learn.. he is not ready.. Tyrod will either play backup or go to another team next year this is his last year on contract.. But as of now I rather start Tyrod then Herbert he costed us 2 games..

    Moses israel

    Daniel Abraham who is that?? I honestly don’t follow college justNba and nfl for me

    Moses israel

    jdl619 Tyrod is better because he makes smart decisions and we actually won a game with him.. all Herbert is doing is playing like Phillip rivers, 300 yards a fumble a interception and a L… That’s why Tyrod is better.. If Herbert can learn how to take care of the ball then yes he will be better than Tyrod but as of now Tyrod is better he makes smarter decisions and doesn’t give up the ball in key situations

    Daniel Abraham

    @Moses israel hes the best lineman prospect I have ever seen in my life🤣🤣 but get this, he blocked for herbert at Oregon 👀👀

Don't Worry

Why are you guys wearing masks when no one else is around you???


    Perception of being Covid safe

    trill 1


Royce H

Trade for a Lt


yall need to take off facemasks. can hardly understand what yall are saying w/o having to raise up the volume and put the ear next to speaker.

The High Ground

I’ll summarize the loss for you.
Dropped Passes

Manny Mota

This team makes me drink with all these heart breaking loses lol


I blame GM and our coach they should have kept Rivers and got rid of Tyrod. What is Herbert going to learn from Tyrod other than don’t throw the ball. That’s the QB job. What they did makes no sense.

Mark Fudil

Why we lost:
1. QB protection
2. Play calling
3. Penalties
4. Turnovers


Why would you take a QB in the draft that plays like Rivers and make him learn from Tyrod? One of you idiot’s explain this to me.

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