Breaking Down The Bills’ Win Over Rams | Buffalo Bills | Bills Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Bills Robbie

What a game. Go BILLS

Elliot Eisler


Michael Caywood

First dislike of The Buffalo Bills video. YES! YES! YES!


    @charles hall he’s a jets fan lol


    @Michael Caywood you might be our good luck charm. Don’t stop!


    Okay mike gaywood you weirdo

    Michael Caywood

    ultimateguitarwizard Your comments never bother me anyway.

    Michael Caywood

    charles hall Your comments never bother me anyway.

Oscar Dahmer

We see ya at the superbowl 🐏🐏🐏

    charles hall

    Little to cocky let’s dial it back lol but maybe

Jordan Synakowski

Broooo Buffalo is the truth!!! Finally after all those years man♥️♥️♥️

Cameron Head

Thats what Ramsey gets for roasting Josh Allen

    Doug Helsley

    He gave up two touchdowns today. 🤘🏻😂

    Jurko Vids


    Will O' Man

    @Doug Helsley the one where he abandoned kroft was all because of Allen. He looked him off of his coverage. The one to Diggs… he just looked silly.

    Doug Helsley

    @Will O’ Man he let Lee Smith score on him! 😂😂😂

    Will O' Man

    @Doug Helsley yeah….lee smith i meant. Had kroft on the brain


I haven’t been this excited since I’ve been in Highschool. Pegula family, DO NOT LET BRANDON LEAVE BUFFALO, I BEG YOU!!!!

    charles hall

    Why there hasn’t been any talk of that has there? He will be there thru the whole McDermott era

ryan damon


Darion Allen


hail Kozakistan

Love you Josh

Chris Delagarza

💔💔💔💔heart attacks
Let’s go Buffalo💪🏻

charles hall

Ramseys trash is still Buffalo’s treasure….. So pumped but that game took a year off of my life😂😂😂😂

Earl Miner

Officials were terrible, it shouldn’t have been this close.

Earl Miner

Do you think Allen not running changed the game in the second half?

    Gabriel Nigro

    Rams had a spy on him all game so he could easily pick apart the secondary. He didn’t have much room to run. I think we need to keep foot on the gas but focus on controlling the clock. We need a run game that can slowly work down the field and eat up time will converting first downs. Too much time on the clock against a good run team like the rams let’s them wear down our d and keep some control. We need to drain that clock and force the other team to beat us in the air


That “INT” was one of the worst calls I have ever witnessed, and what was worse is that they reviewed it and stuck with the call. I am at a loss for words, but the Bills won, so all is right in the World.


Need to play four quarters

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