Blake Martinez, Maxx Crosby, Josh Jacobs and Duron Harmon Media Availability | Week 5 vs. Chiefs – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE



Blake is a tackling machine! Great sign, just stay healthy my boy

    ok this is epic

    Great thing is he was up till that acl and even still players recover a lot better from it than years last

One_Nation_Fanwear 1N

JUST RUN JACOBS BABY! If they run the ball & setup a balanced offense they have a shot Monday night to get right back in the AFC West race. Jacobs opens up all the other offensive weapons. FEED #28!!!


    @Tanner Edge you rather lose than see Carr not throw at TD? So Carrs stats are more important to you than a W for the shield? Man I can always rely on you to day the dumbest things , you are consistent. You are part of the reason we have the worse fan base in sports.

    Tanner Edge

    @RAIDER CYCLES I’d love to be able to make a comment Without You chiming in on it Actually. That’s what I really want. Every single time I say something you have input that is unnecessary. Yes I am a Carrdashian. Yes I believe he was a good quarterback until 2017 when everything got ruined when we constantly kept changing staff and ruining our personnel

    Tanner Edge

    @RAIDER CYCLES why don’t you come tell me how you really feel bubba


    @One_Nation_Fanwear 1N his logic has never made any sense.


Hope we hold on Jacobs after this year but also Duron.

Jorge A. Montalvo

Cool to see a Mexican leaning last name out on the field! Even if he may be of Spainard descent.

    Bad Cornflakes

    Cool to see a Spanish last name out there. Mine is Acevedo. My great great grandma are Montalvo born 1881 Puerto Rico.


Going to be interesting to see how McDaniels calls the game Monday, we had our best game, Running a little more than passing this past Sunday ( very balanced). KC has allowed the least rushing yards this season, and have allowed the 27th most passing yards. Either way Going into the bye week at 1-4 is 20% better than 0-5.

    armando hernandez

    damn straight!

Austin Nardone

Perryman reminds me of Bowman sadly he’ll probably be traded to the colts soon to save 3m to transfer over to next year’s cap. Btw congrats max on the baby being a father is awesome play your heart out this year brother!

    Bad Cornflakes

    Hopefully the Raiders can turn it around and push for a playoff run even down by three so early.

    Austin Nardone

    We got a good shot gotta watch tonight’s game if colts can beat the broncos were back in business but chiefs is a must win.

    Gio Romero

    Idk bout trading Perryman

Bad Cornflakes

Blake Martinez hopefully comes in and is like how Navarro Bowman was for us.

    Micky Pineda

    One day we will have some talent at LB back like when we had The Law Offices of Morrison and Howard.

    Christian Carlos Fernandez

    True but he wasn’t that good for us when he came in like in 2017

    Rudy Martinez

    I wanted us to keep Bowman so bad

    Nicolas Silva

    You mean he can run stop but get absolutely smoked in the pass game

    Micky Pineda

    @Nicolas Silva Still don’t know why they didn’t keep Javin White. Dude flashed in the preseason for his coverage skills.


Also interested to see how Martinez does, see how he is coming off an acl tear and a year with no football play.


    i think he will lead the team in tackles and help with his veteran presence

Celsol Gutierrez

Blake es buen takleador desde k estaba en Packers y Patrick lo conoce bien ojalá rinda frutos y mejore la defensiva

    Marcos Gallo

    He made it to the nfl talents there he needs to deep down if he actually cares

    Randall Kildare

    Lo recogieron específicamente por sus habilidades de cobertura. Esperando ver cómo puede ayudar, porque la bondad sabe … Kelce es prácticamente inocultable.

    Celsol Gutierrez

    @Randall Kildare ok si así es cobertura y contra la carrera


2 games in a row harmon forced turnovers.

Dante Scott

Max Crosby is such a great dude

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Duron is a turn over machine.

Andrew Evenstar

I’m a Martinez. derived from Marin Serrano. From Spain and we settled in New Mexico in the 1600s. cheering for Blake!! go Raiders 😎

    Randall Kildare

    You got that new jersey ordered yet, or what?

Paul Aldama

Let’s hope that Blake is a tackling machine, That’s what they said about Chandler Jones???? 👀

Armando Cardenas

Max is a Raider through and through

Armand Albert

Inclusion and acceptance into European culture was/is one of the driving force’s behind some in the Latin culture refraining from passing the language on from one generation to the next (sad). With that said Martinez is a Stanford alum don’t think it would be hard for him to process and pick up the language (beautiful language and people indeed)…

utube seller007

It will definitely be an interesting game to watch this weekend against the chief. If they play their cards right and are ready they may win, if they don’t , well it will be a great game to learn from. As long as raiders aren’t afraid to finish during red zone and car keeps connecting with receivers we should continue stacking them. ( aim and hit, aim and hit!)

Parsa Persian

His confidence level is off the charts. Feed him the damn ball

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