Blaine Gabbert Throws Deep Ball to Kyle Rudolph | Play of the Day – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Henry Lacks

Time to hop aboard the Blaine Train. Choi Choo! Lol! Nice throw.

    Jerry Lyons

    Yeah rite


deep ball


Little Winfield on a TE what is coach bowles thinking….


    Winfield also forced a game winning fumble from jared cook in the playoffs vs the saints. Antman can hold his own

    Melancholy Puppy

    Just practice. It’s good for him to be in those situations

Lincoln Velasquez

If thats deep then a thirty yarder is a hail Mary

    Black Crow Vol 2


    Dominic Trujillo

    Click bait lol

    Amos Dumel

    Facts 😂😂😂

    Joseph Collins

    😆😆😆so true

Nick Rodriguez

Gabbert needs to give Julio 11

    Vincent Wright

    Then leave the team.

    Zerico Crawford

    Foreal like he is a legend

Zabuza Momochi

That’s Winfield on the coverage too..,

Kawe'a Akuna

Deep👀 ❤ it😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Kawe'a Akuna

If you gotta use clickbait FIRE🔥 “JENNA'” or turn up the volume and mic dat sh*t across the board😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

nik nok

so 10 yards is deep ball?

Jonathan Tona

Looks like Hainsey is holding up against the 1s on defense

Tyrell Schoolfield

What deep ball??

Opi Okapi

💗🧸 Thank you always Blaine 🎶🥽🎩

Chris Durling

Nice pass but I wouldn’t call it deep.

Z Steve

what does “deep” mean

Zach Mitchell

If our backups deep ball is 10 yards I’m very concerned

Veronica Ryan

ten yard pass lol DEEP BALL

Jason Dillon

Well, I hope Trask can throw further than Gabbert. That is a check down to me.


That’s how he took Colin Kraperniks job in San Francisco.

Ryan Fick

Someone fire the intern that made this title


Hey, you have a typo in you title… should say “balls deep”

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