Binjimen Victor: “This is where you separate yourself from other receivers” | 2020 NFL Combine – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jboi Football

Go Browns


we adding another reciever for baker this off-season? wouldn’t hurt us especially if higgins can’t stay healthy or doesn’t want to play w/us

    Fanny Buster

    @The Jamz The Browns came -up with the injury nonsense to give him an out and save face.The guy is poison on this team

    Michael J

    @Sxdax Talented though OBJ is, he is extra pressure on Baker. He can’t play his natural game because Beckham expects that ball to come his way and wants to be the main man. Before he just went through his reads and threw it to whoever was open and there was nobody with an ego so big that they wouldn’t be happy if somebody else was getting the TDs

    The Jamz

    @Fanny Buster He literally had surgery for a sports hernia, yet you say that he faked it? What was the surgery for?

    Fanny Buster

    @The JamzBaker Mayfield wondered why they let him play knowing he had a problem,They, the Browns wouldn’t have let him play with something as serious knowing that if something happen to him like a twisted intestine he could have died or at least would take months to recover.

    The Jamz

    @Fanny Buster He was injured he had surgery so I pointed out your original statement was incorrect, and now you are assuming many things with no evidence. The fact is OBJ was injured he had surgery and I said that you assumed his posture was because he didn’t want to be here when in fact, the more likely thing would be that he is injured and can’t play well.

Beaston 07

Go browns!!!!!!

Angela Stewart

Go Buckeye…hope he gets drafted somewhere, if not the Browns.

Chad Tucker

He’s a solid receiver. Hope he gets drafted. Best of luck to him KJ and Austin. Go Bucks and Browns!

Lucas Scholl

You guys draft any buckeye and you will make millions in jersey sales. Do it!

J Will

Let’s do it!

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