Bill O’Brien shares his thoughts on the Houston Texans 2020 Schedule – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

The first 7 weeks will prove alot, what a schedule hope we make it out.. #BullsOnParade

Mojo 8808

I love this! Keep up the team building.

    Michael Shelton

    4ndrew Vids bruh how?

    4ndrew Vids

    Michael Shelton just wait till season starts

    Michael Shelton

    4ndrew Vids the optimism

    eastside harold

    @4ndrew Vids bro I wish I could see what you see but I don’t

    Mojo 8808

    That was sarcasm

Jayden McAllister


Tim Ryan

Fire O’Brien!

    Yair Diaz

    Tim Ryan I know right

    Gabriel Underhill

    Tim Ryan yes

    Chad Dittman

    Shut up…he ain’t going nowhere..

    Tim Ryan

    @Chad Dittman
    boy aint that the truth… 😒

RickyRIC 81

Not again Texans 9-7


    RickyRIC 81 nah we are probably only gonna lose 5-6 games worst is 9-7


Let’s go! You really are Talented! I would love To be friends xd

    Sam Bullock

    Sounds bro i see u on every video


    Sam Bullock 😂 he is even on my comments

    Sam Bullock

    Depths lol

GetMoneyGang 1226

🖕 b.o.b!

Dave Duez

Really hope there’s actually a season.


wanna be friends?

    CyrustheWolf OWO

    I see you!!!

    Madwrestler 145

    Your everywhere

    CyrustheWolf OWO

    @Madwrestler 145 They’ll…never…see…. him…coming!!!

Luke Tran

As always I would say “Fire Bill” , but that’s probably not gonna happen so all I can do is hope Watson and Cooks make a good duo, hope that Watt still has his talent, and hope that Fuller get healthy.

    eastside harold

    Honestly do you think Watson and cooks duo will be as good as Watson and D.hopkins was?


    eastside harold just think about this, what does it benefit you if you’re right?

Maile McDevitt

Texans 4life

    Haro19 OG

    Poor soul

    De Jun Gabriel

    Me too! Yea but I hate them right now at the moment luckily I love dw4 though

Jesus Sanchez

Bro y’all need to get over the Hopkins trade and look at all the talent we have on our team

    4ndrew Vids

    Jesus Sanchez fr

    Kevin Martinez

    Bill brien liked this

    Ben Koskie


    Ivan Alvarado

    Jesus Sanchez I’ll never get over that trade

William Philip

Everyone who doesn’t see the plan by now just doesn’t get it and is too caught up in spamming “Fire Bill O’Brien” or is stupid. Spread offense with 3 receivers that run a 4.3, all of them run atleast a 4.4 the slowest of probably the starters is Randall Cobb with a 4.46. How is a team supposed to cover all of them in man to man? A lot of deep passes, and another reason why they got another pass catching running back that can break tackles and get RAC so a team won’t know it was a run if Hyde was out there but a pass if duke Johnson was. Meaning also how are the linebackers supposed to cover either of the Johnson’s? So now if you have 3 receivers spread out and a pass catching RB and either Akins, fells, Thomas, or even warring also lined up at TE, or no TE and just receivers and a RB or even just receivers and a TE and no RB, either way it’s going to be really hard for any opposing teams secondary to cover that. Also again a lot of check downs with lots of room to run for RAC for the RBs who when healthy are great at that. The ONLY thing (other than play calling at times obviously) imo people can complain about BOB is how much he got back for hopkins that’s it. Yeah I agree should’ve got a first, at least next years. But the team is better today than it was before the hopkins trade. And look at the receivers they brought in and look at the systems they were in and who their QB’s were. Randall Cobb-Aaron Rodgers and Brandin Cooks-Drew Brees, Tom Brady. So they will probably also have some more knowledge to share to DW4.

    Tim Ryan

    I still think you are going to realize just how good Hopkins was. He caught passes the quarterback had no right throwing. He always produced. He made every qb look better…including Watson.

    Randall Cobb was fourth in the league with drops last year… and he was not running burner routes either.

    Let’s pretend you are right and ‘coach’ manages to win a lot of games. This team is like Custers last stand for many of the players. The following season will have the same amount of question marks as it did last year and this year if not more.

    Now, let’s pretend you send the Texans thousands of dollars eaxh year for season tickets. Let’s say they make the playoffs. Do you think you can sell your playoff tickets? Last year I lost $120 selling the playoff tickets because I could not attend and most people see this team as a joke. The reason they see them as a joke keeps increasing. The Hopkins trade was an embarrassment in trade history.


    Terran Wilder No receiver on our roster has missed over 8 games in the past 5 years except fuller and cobb but cobb had just missed like half a season in that span. He isnt consistently hurt, same with every other wr we have. The only truly injury prone receiver we have is fuller


    Tim Ryan Then stop buying tickets if you hate the team so much. It isnt that hard, but when they have 12 wins going into the playoffs dont go changing your opinion about it.

    Tim Ryan

    @chris6 I f*cking hate the goon!

    I love the team. Have enjoyed season tickets since the team was created. Heck, I even paid for season tickets before there was a team so someone could inherit my PSL tickets. (I could even try to sell the PSL, but that stock is in the tank because of the goon.)

    So just don’t buy tickets and give up my season tickets because the most clueless fans, most which never bought a ticket… don’t see the writing on the wall. Is that your final answer?

    There is never a good time to replace a coach, but the ship is sinking. If you just ‘love’ the Texans because you just ‘love’ to see Watson scramble his way out of a broken play then that’s fine, but understand some of us diehards are tired of seeing broken plays. Tired of seeing a great quarteeback running for his life so Bozo can mismanage the game clock and lose anyway.

    Tim Ryan

    Hey William
    If we are so fortunate to have a season this year… NO EXCUSES!

    No ‘the coach would have called the time out if only the sun was not in his eyes. ‘
    No ‘well Cooks got COVID’.
    No ‘well Fuller will be healthier next week’.

    I know for a fact that the players hate playing for O’Brien. If mid-season comes and we have one or two wins… No excuses…

    I will remember William Philip.

eastside harold


    Peter Salame '28

    watch set the edge

Lane Bass

Comeon we beat kc befor we can do it again

4ndrew Vids

Is it crazy that nrg was built in 2002


Will the Texans still get a free agent? Greetings from Germany😋👍



    T R

    @chris6 which position?

Derek Dickel

Coach O Brien is SO handsome

eve_ likes_youtube

Bob the big brain,🥴

Ivan Alvarado

Wtf Bill

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