Bill O’Brien meets with the media after #HOUvsKC | Unlimited LIVE – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
O'Brien's Family Dog

Fire O’Brien!!!

I am a ghoul

Bill o’Brien is a hack

Spurs Dynasty73

Buttchin loses yet again !! Until the defense can stop someone the team won’t take that next step..

    David Smith

    The offense lost the game


Coach OB trash 🗑

James Weimar

Promising for two new coordinators playing the Super Bowl champs. RT getting burned too much. Next game will be just as hard so I expect 0-2.

    David Smith

    The 2 coordinators sucked today dummy

    Bryce T Sawyer


Michael Hill

D-hop is laughing

    blake X

    He’s not laughing he is feeling bad for his teammates that he left behind will have to go through this foolishness with Bill O’Brien. DeAndre Hopkins as a stand-up guy

Charles C

The Texans need to fire Obrien, he doesn’t have the WR’s to win

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    @Vstro Blvc Let’s say you were hired by a team with a top five defense to coach the Patriots offense.
    You ask for former Patriot quarterbacks to speed up the learning process and do that. You get Hoyer and Mallet, and they don’t pan out. The GM gets Osweiler, a guy that they think can help.

    What do you do?
    A. Call your new quarterback on the phone and send him the playbook?
    B. Ask him to come to Houston before training camp to learn the offense?
    C. Wait a couple of months and meet his at the airport when he arrives for training camp.
    D. Avoid any contact with him or his agent and show your disappointment in him by not seeing him until he shows up for training camp. (O’Brien’s decision)

    O’Brien let Osweiler burn down the entire season because he didn’t get to have a say. He used it to demand to become the GM instead.

    Fast forward to Watson’s rookie year. Savage was declared the automatic starter all preseason. Watson had no real playing time. Then, halfway through week 1, Watson was thrown to the wolves. Watson ran Clemson plays because he hadn’t been coached in the Patriots offense.

    Everything we see and love about Watson has been natural talent. Imagine how much better he would be if his coach wasn’t lazy and prepared him for pro football.

    Vstro Blvc

    O’Brien’s Family Dog pros gotta adjust its business at the end of the day right

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    @Vstro Blvc most pros have coaches.
    I would love for Peyton Manning to walk through a week as a Texan with Watson.
    Manning used to prepare like crazy. I can’t help but think Peyton would see a ghost of an organization pretending to be a team on Sundays.
    There is a reason we led the league in presnap penalties in 2019. That is only and always a sign of poor coaching.

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    @Vstro Blvc You really wanna say ‘its a business’ to Watson?
    You want to say that when his career is shortened due to injury?
    The coach has him out there running for his life.
    (Don’t remember Brady being asked to do that.)
    If you still defend this I need to tell you that O’Brien is happily married.

    Charles C

    He has a former Defensive Coordinator calling plays for his offense

Quesque Que?

Got completely outcoached. No other way to look at it

E. C.

This guy is in his 7th year!!! 7!!!!!!! And still the same bs on the field and interviews!!!!! I haven’t seen any improvements since year 1!!!!!! 🤦🏻‍♂️ Bill O’Brien Could Ruin Deshaun Watson and Texans’ Future If Things Don’t Change!!


Deshaun Watson could have held out for a ownership stake. Nobody understsnds how good of a quarterback you have to be to thrive in O’Brien’s system. You gotta play against the opposing coach and your own.

Puro South

Were Cooks, Cobb, or Stills in the game? The only ppl touching the ball was Fuller & Johnson wtf?

    Dwight Batro

    New players, Same O’brien. His scheme his trash

Family YouTube

They should trade Bill o Brien for a 7th or 8th round pick


    Couldn’t give him away lol

    Charles Groebner

    Family YouTube You would literally need to pay someone to take him.

    Felix Garza

    Trade him for a bag if chips

Jack Hoff

Shouldn’t have never traded Deandre

Jojo sniperman

Let’s pay Cobb 30mil jus got him to ride the bench!!!

    Vstro Blvc

    U dumb if you would start ova any other receivers we got

    Jojo sniperman

    Vstro Blvc ???

Ben Ancona

He’ll be gone by week 5

    blake X

    I hope so


I’m a falcons fan n he just look plain out that he just doesn’t care like look at his facial expressions😂 especially at 2:01💀

Clevelandtx2 langleyRd

I be glad when bill o brien gets out of my city.

C Clem

He’s a complete idiot!!!! He should have been fired years ago. Poor Texans. O’brien should be fired now!!!!


Bum Phillips had a lot more success with the Oilers in less time and was still fired after five years. This coach is still here (miraculously) after seven years.

nick villanueva

Man this guy is Texas’s version of Jason Garret and he’s the GM

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