Bill O’Brien is Live at the Podium on After the Vikings Matchup | Monday Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
#1 Hater

All he really has to do is put it in the hands of deshaun Watson and allow him to bail him out like always not some washed running back

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    @Chris Patrick Billy boy called the plays against the Vikings, so that scapegoat is used up.

    Chris Patrick

    @O’Brien’s Family Dog that game he did but those plays came from Tim Kelly playbook and you should know better that the Texans organization don’t fire coaches after 4 games so you might as well hold off on that subject.

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    @Chris Patrick You still blame Tim Kelly. πŸ‘‰πŸ˜„
    Assuming they don’t win again…you tell me when we can fire him… 🀭
    Five games? Six games? How much more ugly idea must the world endure before he is fired.

    TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chris Patrick

    @O’Brien’s Family Dog you don’t read what I write do you, just because someone want him gone right now wouldn’t make it any better than 5 games from now. Think about this how long did it take for the Texans to let go of Kubiak it was 11 games and he had 6 losing season out of 8 with only 2 playoff so yes the Texans organization will let it get worse before it gets better because there is no one below him that proved they can coach any better. Like I stated before I could care less if he gets canned or not. I’m not going to worry about when someone is going to get fired because I have no control over it and neither do you or anyone else. It will happen when it happens.

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    @Chris Patrick Do you remember Jacoby Jones?
    Talented player. Above average wide receiver. Really nice guy. The only problem was that he was also very capable of brainfarts during crucial moments.

    After losing a playoff game (almost single handedly), he was released or traded. The Texans management said he had to leave because the season ticket holders had lost all patience in him.

    These online people that defend O’Brien and then declare ‘we don’t have a say’ are wrong. Every year, right or wrong, coaches and general managers are fired. Some with the help of the team’s loyal fans. There are always to 5% of people like you that feel their hero was treated unfairly.

    As I told you in July, prepare for that to happen. It is coming… 0 and 5 is a week away.


Defeated mentality

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    Born that way! πŸ‘‰πŸ˜„

Dereque Jones

Same stupid answers to the same cowardly questions…

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    They did ask if his job was in danger.

    Michael Shelton

    O’Brien’s Family Dog and guess what? He didn’t answer that part he skipped it like the coward he is. He’s too arrogant for me

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    @Michael Shelton I was surprised John McClain manned up with the queation though… 🧐 (The Texans live in a bubble.)

    There is something more than arrogance that is concerning to me.

    He seems to be an irrational tester of loyalty. He demands a sqaure peg fit in a round hole and those that can’t do it for him aren’t beleivers in him. It is magical thinking. Sorta reminds me of Trump.

    Michael Shelton

    O’Brien’s Family Dog I agree and also MCClain began by saying a bad coach. I’m under the impression they will keep him until the season is over then fire him. No way they are making the playoffs after 0-4

Terrence Johnson

He knows it’s over no confidence

Christopher Mosley

I would love to see the pictures he have of Janice mcnair

O'Brien's Family Dog

Fire O’Brien!!!

Quinn Williams

The insanity continues…

    solitary one

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† bet he was hired for his classic coach look not brains.

O'Brien's Family Dog

Can we say that Watson was never coached to run a Patriots-style, pocket passer offense?

Watching this season I can’t help but notice O’Brien seems to be wishing magic from Watson like he is just a lucky charn.

Not only did we take away Watson’s best receiver, we added a bunch of deep ball threats and told Watson to imitate a well-practiced Cheifs offense. (Apparently no additional coaching happened.)

It’s like taking away the keys from a Nascar driver and telling him he is an 18-wheeler long-haul truck driver now.

We need an interim coach and a return to the Clemson offense to finish the season. The general manager role needs to return to Rick Smith or someone new who is capable of planning immediately.


Never want to wish bad on any man but if moving on from bill is the best move than that’s what we need to do I love Houston and by trading Nuk was basically him quitting

John Garza

Damn this dude has no ambition in him for our texans I can tell he’s not the man for us to become great


What is this?? This is sad.. Bill needs to go


Bill is so predictable!!! It’s unreal!!! Dude switch up your f’n game plan man. Play action pass!!!! Do something else other than run run pass on 3rd and long


Fire. Bill. O’Brien.

The ELEPHANT In The Room

Go no huddle, it worked the entire second half of the game. Let Watson run the offense

Luke Loeser

“I gotta coach better” and “I don’t know” for eight years, Obrien is tell you, he can’t coach and he has no clue how to. Cal, Please change the team name. Your team reflects poorly on what the people of Texans really are. You should be ashamed.

Michael Shelton

He been saying the same bs bruh he’s so repetitive. Fire him already

Sid Mayes

Damn same repetitive excuses week after week..gotta coach better, gotta see the tape, FIRE BOB PLZ!! BOB MCNAIR IS ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE WITH HOW YOU ARE RUINING HIS LEGACY

Sid Mayes

The only ppl happy with his bs is Miami

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