Bill Belichick on 49ers: “They’ve got good players at every position” | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Bill Belichick on 49ers: “They’ve got good players at every position” | Press Conference

Patriots head coach Bill Belichick adressed the media via web press conference on Wednesday, October 20th; he discussed preparing for the 49ers.

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Some Guy

Get cam some receivers ffs


    fr they should pick up aj green

    Max Muetzel

    Apparently this upcoming trade deadline, like the draft, will be flush with WRs, veteran and young. If we go after a Vet, I would like to get AJ Green. If we get a young wr, I’d say Ross or Fuller.


Need that Tee

Jemal Beshir

get cam some receivevers


    Look up on safari.. New England Patriots Trade Rumors, they have a lot of them

    Wild Bill57

    @Soccerstar19 Googled it, thanks! We can only hope. Note: changing the QB didnโ€™t change the problem. Cam needs receivers if we expect to utilize him properly.

Dan Marco

C’mon bill dont give the oposition pointers

Brenda Booker Paislee Zuniga

13:43 I like that. Do you love me? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’‹ ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’–โค๏ธ

ReyRey 617

We lost a lot of good players through free agency Hightower opt out and so did a few other good players in New England it’s all about building again how long it’s going to take for us to get to championship mode again it remains to be seen tom Brady made the right decision in leaving New England the Tampa has a better acquit team then New England and a better chance to make it to the playoffs then we do not saying that Tampa will win the Superbowl because I don’t see it I don’t want to look like I am hating on Brady because I am a big fan of his know matter what team he is playing on I would love to see him win another Superbowl in Tampa but in my opinion they are still missing a few pieces I pray and hope I am wrong for Brady’s sake I don’t know how far we will go with cam that remains to be seen in these nexts few games to lose to the Broncos the way we did in this last game really brought us down as far as even having a chance to make the playoffs but you know what we have bin here before and I have the up most respect in are coach Bill Belichick he is always full of surprises and if anyone knows the game of football it’s Bill anyway we will see some changes in New England in these nexts few weeks thank God we still have the iron man on are team that always makes are odds better


Trade Harry. He is a waste of a roster spot. Edelman can only be effective if he is #2 with a strong #1. Cam needs a strong #1 and he needs to pick up his reads. Right now his read progression is obvious while watching on TV and that probably equates to 3+ secs. Too long to have success.

Darth Caedus

How about Cam throw to the open guy the problem isnโ€™t the weapons. Edelman had over 100 catches last year with same Wideouts.


    Def not open every play….plus Edelman older he got knee problems Now


Bill been taking shots at Brady and Gronk so this is just karma, but Bill gotta do better getting offensive talent on the field


    @Mark Jackson yes he’s been heaping praise at Cam before started and then when asked about Brady he said ” I dont pay attention to what he’s doing” now he says I’m still watching JimmyG games and that was last year, remember he admitted to calling him after his games

    Mark Jackson

    @Griffinex guess he is salty


    @Mark Jackson imma a little salty but Bill should be worried about his own team and why this offense is struggling so bad right now there ain’t no excuse nobody will feel sorry for us

    Divv Potient

    Thatโ€™s taking shots?

    Divv Potient

    You donโ€™t know what your talking about he says that about everybody

Brett Coppinger

This man knows more about the opposition than anyone! Listening to him speak about the other team is stupid inquisitive.

nelson Calderon


rich ernest

Pops bowl!We have more disciples.Pray to god special teams steps it up.We need a miracle.Come w/the fullback gadgets.

Trinity Krivanec

Do they respond to the comments ever

Trinity Krivanec

Lets get the dub on Sunday

Thomas Mcbride

They got to get it together

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