Bigger than football | Inside the Den | 2020, Episode 3 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
HardWork &Dedication


king Marshall


Rumple Stealskilz

No racists allowed in the pride

neil larson


Kendrick King

So proud of my team.Lions forever.One Pride.

Travon Taylor

Playoffs LFG onepride


Decker legit brought tears to my eyes. I love seeing my Lions, being the change they want to see.

Brandon Reid

This was great. I’m glad the Lions took the lead on this. One Pride

dirk Diggler

Love those Lions!

CoH Content



Something is different this year … #OnePride

    Scott McClellan

    its called “TEAM FIRST” Culture and what I been preaching to all the Matty P haters for 2 years I dont need to say a word. This speaks for itself.

    Kareem Johnson

    I agree..something is different than yrs past. It’s like this team is finally locked in and focused more.

Scott McClellan

1:12 That Smooth as silk 1 hand grab Marv pulls in so effortlessly like he was just taking another breath though…Shame on you haters that been pushing to trade him…


    i will sadly say i was one of these people before training camp started, but my god is he looking amazing this year. I hope we just resign him to a decent contract

    Scott McClellan

    @connman1991 Respect for admitting …and make no mistake I would not be for “OVER” paying him either…if anyone knows anything about me in Lions Fans Circles they know I am never about that.. I was one of few that did not want to pay Slay Nor Tate for example because they simply wanted more than they were worth.. I honestly doubt we will have those issues with Marv or Kenny but we will see how it plays out Id love Marv to finish his career here at the right price.


    @Scott McClellan i think you are right, i feel Marv really likes it here and he won’t want a crazy contract. Not having to move his family and uproot i think will play a big factor.

Riggz Webb

proud of the lions this is dope


Go LiONS. Mad love 4 y’all. Keep standing up!

Kristopher Campbell

That was beautiful. Change has to happen.

brittard watts

Trey seen the potential in stafford to he wouldn’t have came here with a bad qb he knows we need a run game and defense this treys dream rn

Sport Gamer

Coach Prince is a damn good coach, he’s been the WR coach since 2014, think about a lot of the no names or not as well known guys hes gotten a lot out of (Tate, Bolden, Jones, Hall, Golladay) We haven’t had a dud of a receiver in years i think he deserves a lot of credit for that. (Since arriving to Detroit, Prince has helped the Lions produce at least one 1000-yard receiver in each of his first six seasons in Detroit, including two seasons (2014, 2017) with more than one receiver accomplishing the feat)

    Ronnie Tarnacke

    Good points

    Kareem Johnson

    And he’s been working out with guys 30yrs younger than he is exhausting them..Hes definitely a rare guy.

    K P

    Get this man a pay raise

Atsgr8 _XD

Bro seeing okudah make that play against Cephus made me smile ngl

‘Mr. Cakes

MAD RESPECT TO EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE DETROIT LIONS!!! Making our city PROUD!! As for you guys complaining about politics in sports … CLOCK OUT, YOU WON’T BE MISSED! There is a reality outside of your own that WE people of color face EACH AND EVERY DAY. Taylor did a good job explaining one example, this team is a brotherhood. #OneLove #OnePride

Caleb Davis

Man this is such a good series

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