BEST Sights & Sounds from the 2019 Season “Go DJ, That’s My DJ!” | New York Giants Highlights – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Brette Carnahan

That was a great way for Eli to go out on we love you #10 we will always remember your legacy. Go Giants!!!

Jayden dawkins

Love this team For life 💯💯

Big Blue Elo80

Ty Eli #10 !!


Kid is the real deal. The fumbles are a very fixable problem, he has the passion for the game and work ethic to clean that up. 24 TD passes (plus a few rushing) in 12 games on THIS Giants team is very promising. In a few years Daniel Jones will be a household name.

    Adam Thielen

    tknick90 he already is a household name! But yes they are gonna be a great team in years and hopefully sooner than that.


1:14 voice crack

Pete G

#10 Eli fkn Manning


9:01 the whole squad when your crush texts you back

The Giants 85

Real giants fan will always ride with eli manning even if he threw int lol

Lil Robux

Kaden Smith gonna be so good.

    17 38

    Fumble issues

    Lil Robux

    @17 38 Nah

    Talha 10

    I would rather keep Evan Engram tbh he just needs to stay healthy

Forever Clubbin?????


Hotshot 14380

Future of this team has so much god damn potential man. Get ourselves a good head coach, Gettlemen needs to draft well, and next year we can be contenders in my opinion.


Lemuel Sinclair

Antoine Bethea is having fun? Lmao 😂 stop playing

Davy Anonymous

When is the last time that a rookie quarterback rushed for two touchdowns in his first start?

    Fernando Soto

    Doesn’t say much honestly


Watching this video reminds me of how much I truly love the Giants! With all the talent we already have, I hope the 2020 coaching staff and organization will truly unlock their potential!

ThatOneGuy 123

A few draft picks and a leader of men in a coach and we are on our way to relevances… it’s literally THAT EASY! GO BIG BLUE! Let’s not mess this this up!!


The future looks bright for Big Blue.

Stiltmans Stilt

I freaking love Jabril Peppers! This team’s stocked full of young talent . Now our future gunslinger has a yr under his belt , and we get to add the 4th pick and a bunch of cap space, to a very promising , and ever developing young core already onboard. Haters better get the hate out now . Soon enough they gonna be crawling back beneath the rock they came from .

Timothy Ball

With each BEEP, take a drink. Those are cusses and minors watch this so, drink up. Just don’t get to drunk.
Juiced grin.

Kingthevin _


Daniel Vanefsky

7:21 there was a Redskins fan wearing a Dolphins hat lmfao 😂🤣

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