Best Pick Sixes in Giants History! | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Best Pick Sixes in Giants History! | New York Giants

Check out the best pick sixes in Giants history!

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The sehorn pick, why does it _always_ sound like Papa’s voice changed???

    mason salt

    Voices change, hearing changes.

New York Giants

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Heston Van Cuyck

Where is Landon Collins in London

    Jayson Loyd

    No in Washington

    mason salt

    Landon Collins isnt in London. He plays for the Redskins. This guy.

Sulayman Baig

Where is Alec ogeltree and janorisJenkins


    Really, alec ogeltree? XD

    mason salt

    NFL films vault

Ambassador Scorpio

where is the LT interception vs Montana in Giants stadium in 1986??… come on now.. Go Big Blue!


    Exactly- was expecting that to be No. 1

    mason salt

    NFL films vault

Jeffrey Abbey

The Sehorn Pick is my favorite Giants pick six

    mason salt

    Chocolate ice cream is my favorite ice cream. Im not a smart man.

Charles Grady

15, 20, 10, 5 td

Tim Gossert

We just gonna ignore the beautiful interception by Collins when they played the rams in London?!?!?!

    mason salt


    Thomas Coote

    was gonna say the same, however muchnhis attitude since leaving has burned bridges, that pick six was truly spectacular.

    Tani Blass

    I’m trying to ignore everything Landon collins

Tommy Marrin

Where’s the Strahan one against the eagles in ot

    mason salt

    NFL films vault

Bearer of Bad News

1:52…the announcer was so excited he forgot how the yard lines work. To the 40… 35… 30… 15… 20… 10.. 5 … touchdown?

gman hirt

One of the best was armstead in the super bowl against the ravens that was called back,,
Changing the whole momentum in that super bowl,,


His did you not have Collins 😂 salty

    mason salt

    Salt is good

rc graves

That sehorn pick 6 was one of the best ints of all time

Charles Meckwood

Erich Barnes is my favorite

Charles Meckwood

Of course the day that LT best the lions 👍

Angry Mut Guy

The Sehorn pick is still my all time favorite. From the pure athleticism of it, in the playoffs, against the Eagles, making their run from out of nowhere to the Superbowl. Granted they lost but it was a great season and totally unexpected. From the thunder and lightning (Tiki and Dayne) to the I’m “shoving all my chips to the middle of the table” speech. They went 12-4 and won their last 7 games straight to the Superbowl. Up until 2007 this was my all time favorite team. Sehorn, Toomer, Tiki, Collins, Strahan, Armstead, Hilliard. They were so explosive and fun to watch. I tell my kids all the time they’ll never know how good Sehorn really was before his injuries. For a 3 year period he was one of if not the best corner in football. The week after this he was 1 on 1 with Moss and shut him down including out jumping him in the endzone for another int. Only other person I ever saw shut Moss down was Revis. Sadly this team will never be remembered because they lost the Superbowl but I’ve always loved this team and always will.

NoahG Superstar

Me sees this video
Also me without reading figures it’s the giants because it’s three mins long
Edit: yes I’m a giants fan

Dave Marinaccio

The LT TD INT after Jim Burt destroys Joe Montana belongs on this list.


I miss the days when the Giants were actually competitive.


The last one had to be LT against Detroit – a game he wasn’t even supposed to play due to injury.

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