Best of Mic’d Up from Chargers 2020 Training Camp, “You ever seen $100M on the ground?” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Bolt Up Baby!!!

brandon rodriguez

Cant wait for this season. BOLT UP

Tyler Poore

26-6 Chargers on Sunday vs the bengals

    Skillz beastboy

    Martin Martinez Bruh it’s going to be joe burrows first time against an NFL defense.

    Jacob Cronk

    @Skillz beastboy hey but he was drafted 1st overall for a reason and we have a missing safety

    Jacob Cronk

    I would really like to see a 1 year tony Jefferson contract just to fill that hole with a sturdy player for the time being

    ceelos 21

    I say 21-14

    Skillz beastboy

    Jacob Cronk yea true


Gonna be a close one this Sunday, but I predict a shutout:

Bengals: 0
Indoor Practice Facility: none

    Louis Vuitton

    Mcafee fan I see


Check 1…2..3 ummm the chAWrges gonna win

freddy Flores

6-28 sunday. Calling it

    Sheree Wilkins


Juan Rincon

Bosa on the ground lol “have you seen 100mill on the ground”😂


Oh my😂😂😂

Fury The OG

I love all the Tyrod Taylor doubters. He was a productive QB on a Buffalo team with no weapons and played for OC that didn’t play to his strength with the Browns… cannot wait.

Luis Velasquez

Get ready for some good football.

That Foo

Hunter is the closest thing we got to Phil on our team 😭 but ik tyrod bouta go off

    Kev Smith

    “Freak” 😂


    I was going to say the same about Hunter. He seams to have the a closer attitude to Rivers and the same non vulgar vocabulary lol

Steven Suro

Maybe they wont go 0-6 in division games this year?

Cedric Frazier

Less talk more perfection This why y’all lose I see it now.. PRACTICE /REPS MAKE PERFECT


0:01 Brand new whip just hopped in

James Flanagan

Let Herbert learn the position he has the tools

Jacob Cronk

The part where joey needs tillery to hold the bag always gets me😂


Lets be great Chargers!!

Led Halen

🔥🔥 team this year. I’ve been drinking the Tygod kool-aid since April. Bolt up, my dudes. ⚡⚡⚡

jason Williams

I can’t stand tyrod Taylor’s voice ughhh

    Richardtellez00 Tellez

    Fr he’s weird and boring as a person


Can’t wait!!!!Bolts go smash on the bengals!!!!

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