Best Joniak calls from the 2006 MNF Comeback | Chicago Bears vs. Arizona Cardinals – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Demitrius Knight


Rei S


    Demitrius Knight


Chicago Bears Productions


Skeletons Horror

Love me some Joniak and Thayer 🐻⬇️

ryan damon

Let go

Ron Mullen

I saw whole game was available to watch.
I whizzed through it and was reminded yet again just how much Grossman SUCKED! I don’t care what’s said about the line he had or receivers, the guy sucked! He rode the coat tails of the D the entire year! Throw in Hester and the special teams too.
What did he have, 4 INTS this game alone? Bears would’ve won the Super Bowl that year if he hadn’t been the QB. He wasn’t even a good back up!
I’m waiting for 2020, I think things are going to be good!


    Ron Mullen: Don’t forget about Lovie Smith. He’s the other BIG reason they lost Super Bowl 41. He had the same problem that Nagy has now: They play(ed) not to lose instead of playing to win. The both expect(ed) the Defense to carry their respective teams and score a lot of points. Also, not starting Thomas Jones over Cedric Benson just because he (Benson) was the #4 overall pick that year; even though Thomas Jones was the better Running Back, was clearly a “political” decision. Plus, not adjusting the Defense against Peyton Manning in the 2nd half and keeping Grossman in there were all contributors to the Bears not winning Super Bowl 41. The Bears won games in spite of Lovie that year. It was the Defense and Special Teams that carried that team in 2006. It certainly wasn’t Lovie and his “coaching” or Grossman’s inconsistent play (Hmmmm? Sound familiar, Pace, Nagy and Trubisky??).

    Ron Mullen

    70sRockNRoller very good point!

    Jar of Smegma

    “He rode the coat tails of the D the entire year!” Not true. He was probably front runner for nfl mvp after 5 games, ‘tard.

Jay Ambitious

“They are who we thought they were!!!” I’m sorry, I could not resist writing that. 😂😂😂

    oscarina .grandeas

    More like the cardinals were,who we thought they were lol.

    RC RACER 88

    And we let em off the hook


Player had zero chance on the punt return to tackle Hester. Great shot of it.

Shorsey Letterkenny

Unpopular opinion bear meme: i can’t stand jeff joniak

Timothy Hurst

The D and D Hester bailed out Grossman that night bigtime!

Nicholas Tabb

Hester’s returns with jeffs commentary always gives me chills

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