Bengals vs. Browns preview | Week 2 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Seamus Clark

Please win

The Cali Rich Network

Let’s go Cleveland!!!

batuhan dede

ım from turkey istanbul browns fan

José Albino

I can already predict the game: on 3-4 yards to go, we will only call passing plays and punt a lot, because running the ball with 2 of the best RBs in the league is not on the call sheet…

Mike Goat

Get obj involved


    well he needs to catch

    Mike Goat

    veck718 naw he can’t catch if he can’t get the ball

    Combat Arms Reloaded Free on Steam

    @Mike Goat he caught 3/10 last week bud

Chawki Barakat

The Bengals will pull an upset and score a first season’s win


Browns 31 Bengals 17

Bruce Fulton

35-14 Browns

rk 4391

Gotta win this one or I’m _out_ for another 20 years.

Dan Bamford


Leroy Xiong

Baker mayfield and the Browns can’t play average game or many ball turns over , Joe Burrow is good and better, taller, tougher, more accurate than Baker

theGod black

Well, 2 safties, 3 cornerbacks, & at least 2 starting Linebackers all out for the defense last game facing Lamar isn’t the way you want to start. No excuses. We lost. But saying we weren’t able to stop him at all is a little reach. Not to mention, the offense gives the ball right back, either with a pick, quick 3 & out or fake punt & the defense should’ve gave up more points. That said. #Go Browns
P.S. please run the ball

Aaron Wood

24-17 browns

Andrew Stern

sorry browns fans you aren’t beating my Bengals. We are hungry and ready to eat you guys got embarrassed by the ravens and aren’t showing any sign of improvement with landry injured. GL #WHODEY!

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